Satish Gaire
About me
Satish Gaire is a CEO of LogicXY Media. LogicXY operates over 22 magazines in United States .Satish has has a bachelors degree in BioChemistry and Computer science. He is currently pursuing MBA at University of North Texas.
Before starting his own company, Satish worked for Vonage Corporation for 2 years, which sells VOIP phones for home and business. He travelled all over United States motivating and training sales associates. He also worked for T-Mobile USA at Dallas Texas with booth design setup, which was implemented in over 20 malls in Texas.
Currently, He is a founder of over a dozen of magazine publications around United States, with his most popular being , inDallas Magazine, Dallas's premium magazine.
He is also a savvy Internet Marketer with over 7 years experience.. He has created many innovative products such as:OwlHQ, VideoAdPlugin, iOS native app builder and dental softwares.