Hüseyi̇n Ata Karavana
Instructor at Udemy
About me
Hüseyin Ata Karavana graduated from the Leather Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University, Turkey. He earned his MSc degree in Leather Technology in 2001 from that institution’s Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science. From 2006 to 2007 he continued his studies as an Erasmus student in the Department of Footwear Engineering and Hygiene at the Tomas Bata University’s Faculty of Technology (Zlin, Czech Republic). He completed his PhD degree in Leather Engineering at Ege University in 2008. Karavana currently serves as Full Professor in the Department of Leather Engineering at Ege University’s Faculty of Engineering. His research interests are in all manner of leather and footwear engineering including plastic composites, microencapsulation, leather quality and control, footwear quality and control.