Anca Onuta
Best Seller Instructor, PMP, Scrum Master, Entrepreneur
About me
Anca's been working on projects for over a decade. She has worked all around the world, except Antarctica. Anca has a special appetite to project manage trouble projects. Every year she turns many failed projects into success stories.
When she's not fixing standstill projects, she is managing innovative projects which sometimes turn out to become world benchmarks. Anca's project management approach made was recognised by IPMA as being in the top league in international project management. And.. recently she started to pack her knowledge in courses. If you have any suggestion of a class you'll like to learn about. Drop a message, we'll make it happen.
Anca's project manager profile:
Biggest project management consultancy success: Judges Commendation for Youth Project Manager of the Year Award 2014
Biggest project management failure: "Lima diferente", a project which never got to see the day light.
65+ countries she's been managing remote projects from.
Scrum Master Certification
SAFe Program Consultant