Ahmad Mohey
Software Developer & DevOps Engineer
About me
Hello there! My name is Ahmad Mohey I'm a senior full stack developer. I have been developing applications for the last 10 years and I hope more years of creative developing to come. I have been developing applications for oil and gas industry and the financial and human resources departments for many companies.
I love to learn about new technologies and what’s new in the world of development as it’s growing rapidly, I love to help people learn and solve their problems. I believe, we all shall share our knowledge and pass it to each others.
The path to become a developer or a programmer is never easy but it is not that hard, You just need to keep going and do not quit and always think of any skill you have now, remember that you did not master it from the first time, you had to keep trying to master it.
Far from the software world I love photography and you can check my photographs on my page on facebook or 500px website, I am passionate about learning management and emotional intelligence and I attended many courses about management, negotiations and leadership.
I love traveling a lot,I love to see new places, cities, countries, cultures and people if I were to choose one thing to continue doing the rest of my life I would choose traveling.
One last thing and I think it might be relevant for me being a developer, is that I love computer games maybe that’s why I love programming :) . I hope one day I will make my own games.
Finally thanks for your time reading about me.