Richard Walton
Educational Consultant and Speed Reading Expert
About me
Richard has an ability to SIMPLIFY systems.
When he taught high school mathematics for 5 years, he had about 500 students per year, some gifted and some slow learners. No student ever took homework home, and everyone passed.
Richard was head instructor for Toronto for a Reading Dynamics Course. It was 8 weeks long. He condensed the program to 3 weeks and eventually to a single session. Much of this shortening ability was due to his learning to be a Master Hypnotist.
A few years later, a company called Alpha Dynamics came to Canada. They taught speed reading, memory and relaxation techniques. He was Canadian Director and traveled to major Canadian cities with the Founder and promoted on Radio, TV and in Newspapers. They then had a weekend program.
Because of his Math background he went into Mortgages and Financial Consulting for 20 years. He also joined the Network Marketing industry, and enrolled 25,000 people. He specialized in teaching and training the members of various companies.
Richard’s goal has always been to help and share.