Dr. Jericho Leftwich
Natural Medicine/Holistic Health Doctor
About me
I'm Dr. Jericho Leftwich, Ph.D., BCDNM, MPH, M.Msc. BCHHP, BCHP, CMH
A Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Holistic Health & Homeopathic Practitioner, Certified Master Herbalist, Naturopathic Reiki Master/Teacher, Metaphysician
Dr.Leftwich is also a Public Health Practitioner with focus areas in infectious diseases, program management, and system building using the Collective Impact Model. He started his career in healthcare as a Certified Nursing Assistant working in a surgical unit and with geriatric patients in an assisted living facility. He later transitioned into emergency medicine working as a Paramedic for several emergencies and non-emergency EMS companies. After the completion of his Bachelor's in Science in Biology- Allied Health he worked as a Microbiologist II performing enzyme-linked immunosorbent (EIA) for Hepatitis A, B, C, and HIV using Bio-Rad EVOLIS and Genotyping. After his Master’s in Public Health- Epidemiology, Jericho managed teams of Senior Public Health Investigators that provided social support services and linkage to care to justice-involved individuals who were reintegrating back into society. In addition to Jericho's conventional medical training, he is also trained in neuropathic energy healing and homeopathic alternative medicine. Dr. Leftwich also holds advanced degrees in metaphysical sciences and a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Counseling.