Brandie Wolbeck
Early Childhood Educator
About me
I have over 20 years of experience working with children and families. Since 2017 I have been teaching in an outdoor focused preschool and I have learned a lot through my experiences. The most important thing I have learned is that I have a talent for engaging young children and I want to share my enthusiasm with you. I want to help you on your journey, whether you teach preschool, work in a daycare, or other early education program.
I have also noticed a trend in early education that is evident on social media in regards to learning theories. There are many different learning theories and sometimes as an early educator I feel like I am always running a race to educate myself on the trends because if we are not practising the on trend learning theory we are doing things wrong.
It's exhausting worrying that an alphabet colouring sheet or organised circle time may ruin our students' childhood. I am exaggerating a bit here....but I trust you get my point. Social media can lend us to believe that there is a very definitive RIGHT and WRONG way to do things.
I believe that we all do our best with the knowledge and resources we have. Do we have room to grow? Absolutely. Are studies ongoing and thus best practices being re-evaluated and changing at what seems like a rapid pace? Yes.
Have I done all the wrong things? Oh you bet. 20 years ago I walked into home visits loaded with worksheets and sticker sheets.
Have I grown, evolved and learned more about child development? Yes.
Do I expect early educators, even myself, to do all the right things all the time? Nope.
No ones perfect. I value showing up authentically and to me that means: do my best in the moment, learning form mistakes & acknowledging that my best a year ago may look different than my best now.