Bilal Semih Bozdemir
Prof. Dr.
About me
Psikologlar Federasyonu Başkanı, Psikologlar ve Psikiyatristler Derneği Başkanı, St. Clements Üniversity Dekanı, Yazar ve Psikolojide Profesör Doktor. University of Northwest Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı. KW Dışişleri Bakanlığı Diplomat. Yazdığı Kitaplardan Örnekler: Güncel Psikoloji: Türkçe, Rusça, İngilizce, Fransızca, Gürcüce, Sırpça, Azerice. Bitkiler, Çiçekler ve Psikolojimiz, Renklerin Dünyası. Bilal Semih Bozdemir, aynı zamanda Psikologlar ve Psikiyatristler Derneği tarafından oluşturulan eğitim, dil ve kişisel gelişim derslerinin Yapımcısı olup, bağlı eğitim kurumlarının Yönetim Kurulu Başkanıdır.
Dünyanın ilk ve tek Maden ve Değeri Taşlar Müzeleri zinciri kurucu başkanıdır, yabancı borsada hisseleri olan nadir kurumlardan birisinin başkanıdır.
Tıp Fakültesi eğitimi görmüştür. Dermatololji Uzmanlığı alanında bilimsel çalışmalara ve mesleğine devam etmektedir. İlk mezuniyeti Mühendislik Fakültesidir.
Psikolojim Dergisi dahil bir çok uluslararası periyodik yayının imtiyaz sahibidir. MedyaPress Haber Ajansının Başkanıdır.
== Author, Dean, Consul and President of the Federation ==
President of the Federation of Psychologists, President of the Association of Psychologists and Psychiatrists, St. Clements University Dean, Author, and Professor of Psychology. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Northwest. KW Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomat. Examples from the Books He Wrote: Current Psychology: Turkish, Russian, English, French, Georgian, Serbian, Azerbaijani. Plants, Flowers and Our Psychology, The World of Colors. Bilal Semih Bozdemir is also the Producer of the education, language and personal development courses created by the Association of Psychologists and Psychiatrists, and is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of affiliated educational institutions.
He is the founding chairman of the world's first and only Mineral and Precious Stones Museums chain, and is the chairman of one of the rare institutions with shares in the foreign stock exchange.
He studied at the Faculty of Medicine. He continues his scientific studies and profession in the field of Dermatology Specialization. His first graduation was from the Faculty of Engineering.
He is the privileged owner of many international periodical publications, including Psychologym Magazine. He is the President of MedyaPress News Agency.
He is Diplomat of a country.
He is the owner and the chairman of the first and only museum chain in the world. He is the owner and founding chairman of Mining and Gemstones Museums.
1. Turkey
2. Georgia
3. Ukraine
4. Sri Lanka
1. War Winds
2. Actual Psychology
3. Medical Terminology
4. Russian Basic Information
5. Grammar In Use
6. English from scratch
7. Overview of World History
8. Basic Medical Sciences
9. Human Anatomy and Physiology
10. Psychology and Time
11. Foreign Language Learning Techniques
12. Ways to Be Happy
13. Human Psychology with 1000 Questions and Answers
14. Plants, Flowers and Psychology
15. World of Colors
16. Psychological Evaluation of Children
17. Gemology
18. Human, Behavior and Trust
19. Introduction to Psychology
20. Personal Development in Psychology
21. Basic Clinical Psychology