Nandan Desai
A graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University.
About me
Nandan has established a proven track record of constructing software from scratch, whether it's a cross-platform desktop app, an Android app, a web app, a software library, or an automation script.
And his interests and skills extend well beyond software development. He has honed his proficiency in various areas, including:
Computer Forensics (Host and Network Forensics): Nandan is well-versed in Disks and File Systems, and he possesses in-depth knowledge of various forensic tools and their internal workings.
Reverse Engineering: Proficient in binary executable formats like COFF/PE and ELF, Nandan demonstrates skills in Memory Scanning, debugging using WinDbg and GDB, disassemblers like Ghidra (though he prefers Binary Ninja), and Windows-specific tools like Sysinternals.
Security Engineering: Nandan's expertise ranges from Application Security (SAST and DAST) to Identity and Access Management (IAM) in an Enterprise network.