Hack-it School
Foreign Languages Coach
About me
At Hack-it, we create and bring #LANGUAGE #HACKS close to you. We are here to support you through an active network of practicing language coaches and language professionals.
Do you still struggle to speak a foreign language?
WE HACK languages for you through Neurolanguage Coaching®️.
OUR MISSION IS to bring language coaching to millions of people across the world making language learning more accessible and efficient for individuals, business people, and professionals and in this way, facilitate better communication in the globalized world.
Our definition of “Language Coaching” through neuroscience is: “Neurolanguage Coaching®️ is the efficient and fast transfer of language knowledge from the Language Coach to the Language Coachee with sustainable effects facilitated by brain-based coaching and coaching principles.”
Join us today. Let's HACK-IT together!