Diana Navarro
Spiritual Crossing Guard and Instructor
About me
About Diana Navarro, M.S.
Diana Navarro, M.S is Spiritual Crossing Guard practicing wellness and holistic balance of Mind, Body, Spirit and Intuitive Space Design. She is a Certified Coach, Instructor, and Author.
She is the author of Your Sleep Sweet Spot: Why Sleep and Dreams are Not an Option You Can Find Your Unique Ritual and Schedule, Oddball: A Memoir on Resilience, Oddball: A Guide on Resilience, You’re Not Crazy, It’s Paranormal! Oddball: A Memoir on Resilience, and Guide Heartbreak: Know Why and Heal and host of the Podcast Design Your Life with Beauty, her blog Design Your Life Info Center, and creator of various writing journals.
Credentials: Diana Navarro has knowledge of space and energy due to her own spiritual awakening, extensive research and study. She has studied Feng Shui, has a diploma in Interior Design, and certification in Small Business Development. She has a Bachelor's in General Psychology, Master of Science Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and studied three years at the Doctoral level researching Environmental Psychology. Additionally she holds certifications as Certified Holistic Life Coach, Certified Sleep Science Coach and Certified Mind-Body Fitness Coach (by NESTA[1]), Parapsychology, Professional Spirituality Coach. Chakra and Body Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Yoga Teacher, Acupressure, Crystal Energy Healing (by CTAA[2]) Her background is a culmination of decades of counseling and crisis intervention, academic advising, intuitive/psychic consulting, and research.
In addition to thousands of personal and celebrity clients, she also worked with corporate clients that include Estee Lauder, Time-Warner, Macy's, Progressive Insurance, and Skanska Construction Group.
Diana Navarro grew up in the South Bronx. She endured and overcame extreme adverse environments. Diana had decades to master converting adversity into resilience and turns victimhood into victor-hood. She was born an Empath and uses her empathic abilities to heal and help others come back to wholeness.
She has maintained the ability to express love for people and animals, build healthy boundaries, and share what she has learned with the world. She uses her experiences and learns more about them in academic, spiritual and therapeutic forms to facilitate healing from traumatic events and live one’s highest aspirations. Her goal is to inspire and bring joy to as many people and animals as possible. For more on the Spiritual Crossing Guard Programs check her website.
[1] NESTA-National Exercise and Sports Association
[2] CTAA-Complimentary Therapists Accreditation Association
[3] Invisible Disabilities