Starting Kargyraa
A free video tutorial from Jonathan (Jonny) Cope
Professional musician and teacher
8 courses
5,304 students
Lecture description
The beginnings of the low voice style 'Khargyraa'.
Learn more from the full course
Throat singing / overtone singing
Techniques that allow the simultaneous production of two or more notes by the same singer.
03:32:41 of on-demand video • Updated November 2017
Sing two notes at once!
Use the techniques of overtone and throat singing
Understand the differences between Western and Eastern styles
Discover 'khoomei' and 'khargyraa' styles of singing
Handle stress and relax more easily
So don't come here. Hey we are still working through overtone singing and throve. I hope you've had a lot of fun with all those previous exercises. I'm going to leave crewmate here for the moment because it's going to be in the advanced stuff to come. We'll be taking this a little bit further because I want to introduce the next style and that gets called Kagura. OK. And this is the low style. Now the only caveat to this one is. Well just like all the others. Be really careful. OK if you get an irritation stop. You know don't really push it. And I'm sorry to say ladies this is going to be a lot harder for you. It's all about building a low sound. Now that's not to say you can't do it you can. I have successfully taught this technique to some women and it's great and it's very empowering for them because it is kind of quite a masculine energy and allows them to lower their voice when they want which is you know quite fun if it's not for you. That's fine. Skip over this. You know lots of other things to do. But if you if you want to do this thing you know let's have a go. It's a lot easier for guys because our voices are naturally a bit lower. And that's usually caused around puberty obviously with a thickening of the vocal chords and and some structures in the vocal tract which get called a false vocal chords and things that we're going to use those. And what this is it's own ability to make the throat structures in the throat vibrate and take over from the vocal chords or add to the vocal chords. So because they're lower in the throat we're changing the resonance slightly. It you can basically you can sing a lot lower than it normally could with your vocal chords alone. So if I trying to sing or all that's about as low as I can go with the normal though some time. But if I engage these structures Ah I can go a lot lower. OK. And that's without warming up. So we'll see the pop sound in a little while but that's that's what we're talking about we're talking about this very very low almost gravelly sound. And that's again been famously used by bands like Ango two and others. And it's it's tricky. Let's let's not make no bones about this you're going to need some weeks to. You really can't rush it more than any other is way more than in kamay the potential for rotation and even liver damage here is is such that you've got to go really carefully and I'm going to suggest I'm going to show you all the exercises that we're going to begin with. Start out the closed mouth and we're going to stay that way for quite a while. So what we want to do is to start the turn up is to try and get as close as we can anyway with the mouth closed down. Now what I think helps for a lot of people is either imagine something like a gorilla or a bear or a Harley Davidson. No one. You to get the sound from here more damage to your chest or think of a starts off with a cough. Close your mouth and make up. Which tends to be made here and you're irritated with someone you're trying to say you know a lot and it's like you sarcastically excuse me. Do you mind that sort of thing. No that's going to irritate using of a vocal like that they're really clashing together so you don't really do that too much. But I want you to get a feeling of what's happening in that Tencent starting for the high which is going to go that way and you might get some vibration or tickling or sensation in your sinuses and possibly goes down into chest cavity. And that's the bit we want to encourage. Now as a side note if you can keep if you're getting some feeling in the nasal passages that's great because that will really help the residents later on. If not don't worry about that. You want to do is engage just transcends and down. And some people in my workshop have great fun imagining you know you got the Harley Davidson and you get kicking over and kicking ignition and getting that rumble in on me if you need here try this for a while up until you can make that sort of rumble sound and you can definitely keep your mouth closed at this point to really limit the rotation to cause. I want you to think about where your tongue is as well you might want to actually push it slightly forward into your lower jaw below your bottom teeth. So that opens the back of the throat gives you a nice resonant cavity there to get this done. Because we want to do is end up singing humming this sounds coming through our nose because you've got a mouth closed but it's stabilizing. We're getting this rumble sound. This hardly sound this bad sound. Gorilla whatever you want to think of stabilized into a rumble like this. On in. So much so that when you practice it and only a few minutes each day stopping those you need for irritation that go away come back to it until you can come back in with hardly any of the cough and straight into this or so on. In June. OK. When you can do that consistently with that rotation because it's lower down in the vocal tracks not the vocal chords they should be relaxed the way it is going then we're ready for the next exercise. So I'll give you a few more pointers with sound wise stop that session here go from practice keep coming back practicing till you can get the sound before moving on really. I'm in.