How Germany won the World Cup of Nation Branding
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In depth analysis of how Germany managed to rebrand the entire country through the 2006 FIFA World Cup - and how country brands might apply this formula to rebrand their national image. This case study is the first ever detailed analysis of the newly emerging discipline of Destination Branding through Movement Marketing and has had significant impact on Germany's tourism brand, yielding a 31% increase in international leisure tourism year-on-year and a 47% increase in business tourism for the host city of Berlin (which has also doubled the number of hotel bookings over the past five years)
Who this course is for:
- Destination Branding Executives
- Nation Branding Executives
- Marketing & Brand Executives
- Government Communicators
- Heads of State
When I first came to the shores of the Zulu Kingdom, I was astounded to discover that the legendary Zulu King Shaka had grown his Sphere of Influence ??,??? ????? ?? ?? ?????
This is why for the past 20 years, I have been digging through the Archives, visiting the Battlefields and sifting through the Propaganda of the History Books, to uncover ??? ???? ?????? of the Great Emperor
A Secret that is best described by a Formula that is at the Core of the Greatest Brands in History:
PBL = R x E²
In other words, Personal Brand Loyalty is determined by evoking ????????????? ??????? ?????????
??? ???? ?????? why Emperor Shaka was able to grow his empire 10,000 times in 10 Years, was that he attracted the best soldiers and generals to join his Army voluntarily
When he ?????? ??? ???? from the reach of the infamous Smelling-Out Ceremony
thereby leveraging the most fundamental ?????? ???????? ?? ????????, the Principle of Reciprocation - which means you have to
❶ Be the FIRST to Give and
❷ What you give is UNEXPECTED and
When you turn your focus from yourself to others, both in business and in life, doors will open that ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??????? – from Company Directorships to TEDx talks across the World & Industry Awards
And the best Way to win ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???????? and build deeply meaningful Relationships that will last you a lifetime, is to elevate others before you elevate yourself
When I applied Reciprocation in my own life (and business) I was able to
❹ build a ?????? ????? ????? (on the likes of CNBC and Carte Blanche)
❺ help South Africa achieve the ??????? ????? ???????? ????? in the history of the FIFA World Cup (92%)
❻ develop Strategic Relationships with Global Leaders, ????????? ? ????? ?????????, Olympian Athlete and one of the most celebrated World Record Holders
And it was as a result of Reciprocation that enabled a Consulting Client of mine to grow their Business ??? ???? ?? ?????
and propelled my FIFA World Cup Book to Bestseller Status with ½ ??????? ?????? in Print
When I started to apply Reciprocation on LinkedIn and promote others rather than myself, I earned ?,?? ??????? ??????? Views in 100 Days
And so can you, thanks to the ?????????????™ ?????????: The 7 Steps to attracting Clients-for-Life on LinkedIn