Improve People Management and Build Employee Engagement
What you'll learn
- 17 usable tools and practices to increase the motivation, engagement, and performance of your team members
- Improve your people management skills
- The core elements of a successful team management how to use these elements to improve your team
- The dimensions and balance among five high performance team leadership roles
- Employee engagement skills to build a stronger and more effective team or work group
- A big picture view of your team and how to work "on" systems instead of "in" systems
- Increase the engagement and motivation of your team members by involving them in meaningful decisions
- How to spend more time in value-added activities and less time fighting fires
- Improve your teams processes and systems so they are not only more efficient today but more capable in the long-run
- Build a positive team climate
- Build a team vision (mission, principles, and goals/metrics) and link your team to the strategy of the business
- Mentor team members and expand the scope of what they can do
- Create your own professional development plan
- Become a better leader
- Desire to improve your leadership skills
- Desire to improve the functioning of your team/staff
Welcome to my course on building employee engagement and improving people management. The course will help you get the most from your team or work group and give you vital skills to grow as a leader.
Yankelovich and Immerwahr have reported that only 23% of employees say they work at their full potential. Forty-four percent report that they only work hard enough to keep their jobs. And 75% say they could be significantly more effective in their jobs.
And you may be familiar with the Gallup organization which has conducted massive surveys on employee engagement each year since 2000. These surveys tell us that, on average over the last 20 years:
30% of employees are engaged (or emotionally invested) in their work.
53% of employees are disengaged, meaning that they come to work to collect a paycheck but lack commitment.
17% are actively disengaged meaning that they may say and do things that are actually harmful to the business. They often create a toxic environment for other employees.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is the emotional investment employees make in their organizations. It has to do with passion, motivation, and commitment they bring to their work. Engaged employees care about their work and they care about their team or organization. They want to perform at their best and make a difference to their organizations and the customers they serve.
And, doesn’t it stand to reason that those companies who have an engaged and committed workforce are going to outperform those who do not? Research shows that high employee engagement leads to:
37% less absenteeism
Up to 65% lower turnover
41% fewer quality problems/complaints
10% higher customer ratings
21% higher productivity
22% higher profitability
Purpose and Benefits
The purpose of this program isn’t to teach general theories of leadership but rather to give you specific tools or practices to build a strong team and increase the engagement, motivation, and performance of your employees. You’ll find the practices I teach to be concrete and doable and not theoretical.
Let me share a bias. Most employees want to succeed. They want to contribute and make a difference. And it’s our job as leaders is to make this possible by empowering them to use their intelligence and creativity to make decisions, solve problems and contribute to the overall success of the business. The tools I’m offering you will show you how.
The course should enable you to:
Improve your people management skills
Spend less time fighting fires and more time leading
Increase the engagement and commitment of your employees
Improve the performance of your team
Understand the core elements of team success
Utilize five leadership roles to improve how you manage your team to higher performance
Create a climate in which people have the motivation to give their best
Shift your focus from working “in” systems to working “on” systems
Build a stronger and more effective team or work group
Use diagnostic questions to assess your team and know how to make them better
Take a big picture view of your team as you learn to “lead from the balcony”
So, here’s what we’re going to cover during the course.
First, I’m going to present a team model to help you better understand the key factors in the success of any team or work group. These elements are critical to understanding your team and, therefore, critical to your success as a leader.
Second, I’m going to teach you the five leadership roles and how these roles relate the key elements of the team model. You’ll become a better leader, supervisor, or manager as you understand and incorporate these roles and practices into your day-to-day behavior.
Third, this is the heart of the course. We’ll do a deeper dive into the specific practices of each of the leadership roles. I’ll be giving you a number of tools related to each of the roles that will help you a high performing team and increase employee engagement and motivation.
Fourth, I’ll have you do an assessment of yourself, which of the leadership roles you typically use and which you’re most likely to neglect.
Finally, you’ll create an improvement plan to become stronger in those roles or practices that you under-utilize. The entire purpose is to strengthen you and help you grow as a leader, so you provide better leadership to your team.
However, I also need to tell you that this is not abracadabra. There are no magic formulas or quick fixes to engage your work force. Employee engagement is not simply a program or initiative. It isn’t one more thing to put on your plate or add to an already busy schedule. Employee engagement is a paradigm, a way of thinking about people, how work is organized, and the role of leadership. It is how you go about the everyday business of leading your team, staff, or workforce.
My name is Roger K. Allen and I’m pleased you’ve decided to join me in this course to become a better leader. I want you to know that I don’t take for granted the trust you’re placing in me as your guide in this journey. The concepts I’m bringing to you come from my 25 years of consulting and training experience. I’ve worked with thousands of leaders from every type and size of business. And the concepts I teach are popular. I’ve certified over 1500 trainers and consultants from around the world to use the leadership development and team development concepts I teach.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who leads a team, work group or staff of any size
- Leaders, managers and supervisors in any size organization
- Those who aspire to be leaders in the future
Meet Dr. Roger Kay Allen, a trailblazer in human development and leadership. With over 30 years of experience, he has transformed countless organizations and individuals, making him a sought-after expert in the field. In 1992, he co-founded the Center for Organizational Design and has since worked with top Fortune 500 companies, including AT&T Capital, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Honeywell, Proctor & Gamble, and Hewlett Packard, as well as small and medium-sized businesses to help leaders unleash their full potential.
With a passion for empowering others, Dr. Allen has trained and certified over 1,200 trainers and consultants from around the world, providing them with access to his extensive library of over 70 leadership and team development modules. His programs, which have been widely acclaimed as some of the most influential learning experiences available, have been taught in cities across the country, touching the lives of countless individuals.
Prior to his consulting career, Dr. Allen co-founded the Human Development Institute, where he spent nearly a decade providing individual, marriage, and family counseling. He also created and taught personal and family development programs, helping individuals lead more fulfilling lives. With a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of success, Dr. Roger Kay Allen is a true leader in the field of human development and leadership.
"Literally thousands of professionals are exposed each year to Roger Allen’s material and the ripple effect has changed people's lives, made work easy, faster and better. Almost weekly I get rave reviews on his material. I cannot say enough about this man and his writings. I have purchased cases of his books and material to share with others." Jim Ullery, President, Center for Organizational Energy
"In my career as a specialist providing treatment to adolescents and their families, I have seen many parenting theories, models and books but nothing which rises to the stature of this work by Dr. Allen." Michael E. Berrett, Ph.D., Psychologist, nationally known clinical teacher, and CEO of Center for Change