
Demo: AWS Management Console

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Demo: AWS Management Console

Lecture description

This demonstration provides an overview of the AWS Management Console to access services, regions, and resources.

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AWS Essentials

Learn from AWS technical instructors about the AWS Platform, global infrastructure, security, and the core services.

03:22:59 of on-demand video • Updated August 2024

Recognize terminology and concepts as they relate to the AWS platform and navigate the AWS Management Console.
Understand Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), and Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS).
Learn about the security measures AWS provides and key concepts of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
Use AWS database services, including Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Relational Database (RDS).
Understand AWS management tools, including Auto Scaling, Amazon CloudWatch, Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS Trusted Advisor.
English [CC]
Instructor: Let's take a quick tour of the AWS Management Console. There are a couple things we can take a look at on the landing page. Let's start by taking a look in the top right hand corner. We can see that I'm logged in with the demo user identity in the AWS Demos account. If we click here we get an additional dropdown that'll allow us to get to handy links like our billing dashboard. Or if we're interested in changing our login password, we can click on my security credentials to be taken to that page. This is also where we'll go if we're interested in signing out of our session. Another item in the top right corner is the region. We can see that I'm currently in the Oregon region, and by clicking on it, I get a dropdown with all of the available regions that I can change my management console to. Depending on which service we're operating in, we'll only see the resources that exist for the region that the console page is currently set to. It is important to always take a look at which region you're currently operating inside of, because if you load in something like EC2 we're only gonna be able to see the resources that exist in our Oregon region. If I were to load this up and switch to our Canada region, we can see that I currently have no running instances. This can be a little bit of a shock when you first load into the console, expecting to see something there. So always check which region you're operating in. If we want to get to a specific AWS service, we have a couple of options. On the left hand side we can see a listing of all of my recently visited services. This list will be constantly updated as you move around within the management console. If you know the name of the service you'd like to load, you can simply type it in the search bar and a list will be populated based on that search term. If I'm uncertain what the name of the service is but I know the category it would fit in, I can click on services in the top left and I get a sorted list of all of the AWS services based on their group. So if I'm interested in the brand new artificial intelligence services, I can very easily find those and then jump over to the service page. As you continue to operate in the AWS Management Console, you'll likely find yourself returning to the same services over and over. One way we can get to those is by clicking services in the top left and taking a look at our history, which will have our most recently visited AWS services. However, there's an even easier way built into the console that'll allow us to easily get back to frequently visited services. And that's gonna be with this pin icon in the top. The pin icon allows us to pin services directly to the toolbar at the top of the page. So if I know that I'm going to be working with Rekognition and Polly as well as maybe AWS IoT, I can pin those icons to the top. I also have an option on the left hand side of using icons and text, or text only for what I pin. Once services are pinned to the top, no matter what page I'm in, they'll always be available for me to click on up at the top of the screen. It makes it very easy to navigate between the services that we use most frequently. Also available on the landing page are a couple learning resources. The first is a set of quick start guides and wizards that allow us to do simple solutions like launch a virtual machine or register a domain with Route 53. If you wanna learn even more, by scrolling down on the site we can see that we have additional groupings of knowledge bases that allow us to do more complex projects. By clicking on one of the topics, we're taken to a curated list of project guides, tutorials, and labs as well as additional video resources that can be referenced for that topic. This is a great way to quickly gain the knowledge that you need to get started in AWS. AWS is continually rolling out new features and services. The best way to keep up with this is actually found right on the right hand side of the console page. By clicking on the See All under the What's New section, we're brought over to the new blog posting, which will show us the launch release of each one of these services and features. It's the easiest way to keep on top of all of the latest releases. Now that we've taken a tour of the AWS Management Console the best thing to do is explore. Just like our AWS services, the AWS Management Console is being continually updated and enhanced. You never know when you're gonna stumble across a cool new feature or release. Since we're now finished with our session, we can go ahead and sign out.