R (programming language) Courses
Learn more about R (programming language)
The R programming language is a powerful open source platform designed for heavy data analytics. It is a popular language with data scientists, statisticians, and business analysts for its data analysis and visualization capabilities. R is also used extensively in machine learning, the foundational concept behind AI. R training can familiarize you with the concepts and methods R applies to artificial intelligence and analytics.
Frequently asked questions
The R programming language was created specifically for statistical programming. Many find it useful for data handling, cleaning, analysis, and representation. R is also a popular language for data science projects. Much of the data used for data science can be messy and complex. The programming language has features and libraries available geared toward cleaning up unorganized data and making complex data structures easier to handle that can't be found in other languages. It also provides powerful data visualization tools to help data scientists find patterns in large sets of data and present the results in expressive reports. Machine learning is another area where the R language is useful. R gives developers an extensive selection of machine learning libraries that will help them find trends in data and predict future events.
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