
What's The Best Video Camera For You?

Learn the important technical considerations to enable you to make an informed decision on the next video camera you buy
Free tutorial
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 (116 ratings)
13,064 students
2hr 30min of on-demand video
English [Auto]

Understand the difference between stream and file based video (a huge shift in camera technologies)
Overview of the most common video formats in today's cameras (MOV, AVCHD, etc)
Introduction to the major components in a video camera: Lens, Camera Element, Storage/Media, Viewfinder/Screen, Microphone
Distinction between major video camera categories: Camcorder, Digital Camera, Pocket Camera, Mobile Device
Introdcution to the speciality category of action cameras (GoPro Hero)
Chet highlights some of the most important camera settings to look for on a camera (White Balance, Shooting Modes)
An understanding of the value of manual focus and why you might want this function.
Learn when and why Chet recommends your next video camera should have the option to use an external microphone
Gain an understanding of the valueable (short-list) of recommended camera accessories
Receive an introduction to some considerations of viewing, editing, and sharing video from your new video camera.
In two valuable videos, Chet shows you how to read camea specifications (Chet will help you begin to make sense of the techno-garble)
Print out the 1-page checklist you can use to help sort through the choices when you are ready to purchase your next video camera.


  • A willingness to learn something new and bring a smile to the classroom. No pre-requisite knowledge or skills required.


 So you're looking to buy a new video camera... whether you are looking to capture your children or grandchildren in their growing up moments, planning to capture a special summer vacation, videotape events for your school, church, or synagogue... Chet will help you better understand the most important tech foundations of today's video cameras.

This class will provide you with just enough technical knowledge to help you make an informed decision - to weed out some of the marketing hype and sort through the assortment of cameras available.  Chet will help you think about what's important to you in a camera and narrow down your search. 

This class will not provide you with a solid recommendation for a specific camera manufacturer or model, but will help you understand the camera features and functions that will be important to you, and find a camera that includes those.

Who this course is for:

  • This class is designed for anyone considering the purchase of a new video camera, who would benefit from a greater technical understanding of today's video cameras. Whether you are going to use your new video camera for home or family use. This class is _not_ intended to serve a professional video producer as we do not cover cameras in that range.


Your Technology Tutor
Chet Davis
  • 4.4 Instructor Rating
  • 3,050 Reviews
  • 132,331 Students
  • 5 Courses

Chet loves to teach...he loves helping others learn, whether it's an artistic technique in video or photography; or a software application or technology tool. Whether you join Chet for a live hands-on workshop or an on-line lesson on Udemy you clearly experience his enthusiasm, his expertise, and his passion for teaching.

Chet 'cut' his teacher teeth with 17 years in the classroom as teacher of a high school Video Technology program in California. He's made presentations at National and Regional Conferences and led hands-on workshops for in 41 US States, 3 Canadian provinces and in Europe (European Schools Program). Chet is listed in two volumes of Who’s Who in American Education and has testified before a Congressional Sub-Committee on the importance of Technology in Education.

When he's not teaching, he enjoys traveling - and producing travel video and photography. He likes playing tennis, snowboarding and mountain biking... and he loves to cook (he makes a mean Chimichanga from scratch).

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