What is Theatre? The Introduction to Theater Basics You Need
What you'll learn
- What theatre IS exactly and what separates it from other art forms.
- The critical theatre concepts/terminology that EVERYONE needs to know!
- How to intelligently evaluate the quality of a theatrical production.
- The different types of theatre spaces and how to use each.
- The multiple functions that theatre can perform.
- How to better understand and appreciate theatrical productions in various styles.
- Just a desire to increase your understanding of basic theatre concepts.
Course Overview:
So what the heck is theatre, anyway? This is a fun and practical course designed to answer just that!
This class will give you the general knowledge that you need to be able to better understand and appreciate theatre when you see it, as well as to intelligently discuss it with others.
Major theatrical elements, concepts, and methods of dramatic criticism will be covered to help you improve your appreciation of and/or ability to create theatre.
Review quizzes over major concepts are provided all along the way to ensure your comprehension of big ideas, as is a theatre criticism application project designed to help you build your confidence in your ability to successfully analyze and enjoy theatre in all its forms.
The Course Includes:
39 video lectures organized into 5 easy to understand lessons/subject areas
Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:
An important general theatre term that you should know
A series lectures covering an area of course content
6 online review quizzes covering each section of the course
Quizzes are designed to reinforce the major concepts discussed in the class
62 graphics, notes, assignments, or outside resources to further your knowledge base
Supplemental materials are provided for every lesson
A practical application project to practice theatre criticism
Over 2 hours of video lessons
Course Goals:
Through taking this course, you will increase your understanding of theatre as you:
become familiar with the five basic elements of theatre
differentiate between analysis of a script vs. a production
examine the parts of a play and how to determine a play's style
recognize the different types of stage arrangements and the 9 basic stage areas
master the 25 most important theatre terms that EVERYONE should know
Who this course is for:
- Active theatre goers or participants that would like a refresher on critical concepts.
- Those just getting exposed to all that theatre has to offer.
- Anyone who wants to be able to intelligently evaluate and discuss a theatrical script or production.
Thank you for checking out my course!
Here are a few facts about me...
~ I have been teaching writing and theatre in both public and private schools since 1997.
~ Several of my own works are published (plays and non-fiction).
~ There have been well over 100 productions of my stage plays on six continents (Antarctica remains elusive) as well as multiple film adaptations.
~ My book Absolutely Everything** You Need to Know About Teaching and Performing Improv is available on Amazon.
~ My horror-comedy Screenplay Dead (Re)Tired has received honors from 25 different film festivals and screenplay competitions including the Nashville Film Festival.
~ I have run an improv festival for secondary students since 1999.
~ I am a member of the Dramatists Guild.
~ I hold two BFA degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University
~ I earned my Masters of Education in Learning and Technology from Western Governors University
~ I am certified to teach English, speech, and theatre