Fundamentals of Executive Presence/Charisma 3x1 Masterclass
What you'll learn
- You'll learn how to be more powerful and respected when communicating
- You'll learn techniques to increase your credibility, authority and likability as a speaker
- You'll learn how to leverage your subcommunication, body language and other elements for more presence
- You'll learn what types of behaviors make you more respected and memorable, and which weaken you
- You don't need any prior knowledge (naturally, knowledge of communication/presentations will help, but is NOT required)
Executive "presence" is one of the most important aspects to master when communicating.
By "presence", I mean being respected. Being liked. Being a true force of nature.
Whether others like you or not, they WILL notice you.
That is what executive presence is all about.
But executive presence is not something that is frequently taught or disseminated.
... mainly because there is so little knowledge about it in the "mainstream".
I've been an executive coach with top executive clients for years, and the principles of this course are distilled from these lessons.
I would argue this is the most complete and comprehensive course you will find on executive presence.
Some people - including me - love to know what they're getting in a package.
And by this, I mean, EVERYTHING that is in the package.
So, here is a list of everything that this course covers:
What are the nine key pillars of executive presence, and the importance of each;
How to cultivate initiative. Doing more - especially when others don't. Both in terms of work initiative (going the extra mile), but also social initiative (sparking conversations, making contacts, adding value), as well as the role of autonomy and originality;
How to cultivate your appearance. Both your actual image (and the image of your company/organisation), your associations with others, as well as credentials, and your actual reactions to high-status people (reacting naturally, demonstrating high status on your part, versus being nervous and stifled, which communicates the opposite);
How to cultivate salience and vision. Why both standing out from others, but also having a unique view of the world both make you more present. Having different mannerisms, demands, accent, look, or other elements to be more present. Also, how to consolidate a vision for the future and "strengthening your reality";
How to cultivate transparency. Being more authentic and transparent in terms of emotions, small flaws, or other elements that may not be of advantage to you, which consolidates a frame of a "trusted" advisor in you and makes you more credible;
How to cultivate harmony. Not fighting yourself internally, and having all parts aligned. Your body, your words, your posture, your gestures and all other elements. As well as what are the three main types of obstacles for harmony (both internal and external issues - both in your mind and your actual body - and being major or minor), as well as how to deal with them;
How to cultivate grace under fire. Not reacting to attacks, obstacles, or other impediments. And how that focus and relentlessness improves your presence. Both in the long-term, but also your reactions "in the room";
How to cultivate rigidity. Why people with higher standards, more specific demands and strict personal boundaries are more present. Both in terms of behaviors, ideals, attitudes, or tolerated behaviors from others. And how to cultivate rigidity to improve presence;
How to cultivate intellectual honesty. Why sticking to the truth - whether it's to your advantage or not - makes you more objective and credible, and why this component improves how present you are;
How to cultivate tension and selectiveness. Why using intense eye contact, silence, certain voice tonalities and other elements helps you create more tension, making the other side quit more easily. And how to protect yourself against strong frames and intimidation;
Remember that you always have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there is no risk for you.
Also, I suggest you make use of the free preview videos to make sure the course really is a fit. I don't want you to waste your money.
If you think this course is a fit and can take your knowledge of how to be more present to the next level... it would be a pleasure to have you as a student.
See on the other side!
Who this course is for:
- You're any professional who is already a good communicator and presenter, but wants to improve their skills
- You're anyone who wants to be more respected and seem more credible in presentations
I have what could be considered an unconventional background as a coach. I don’t come from psychology or medicine. In fact, I come from tech. I created two tech startups that reached million-dollar valuations, backed by the MIT-Portugal IEI startup accelerator, afterwards becoming its Intelligence Lead.
After years of coaching and mentoring startup founders on talent management, emotional management, influence and persuasion, among other topics, I started being requested by executives and investors, like venture capitalists, with more complex, large-scale problems.
After years of doing executive work, I started specializing in coaching asset management professionals. With the signing of my first fund manager/CIO clients, I started adapting my performance and influence techniques for purposes such as talent management for PMs and analysts, fundraising from allocators, effective leading a team, and properly assessing talent for compensation/promotion/allocation increases.
I currently provide performance coaching and influence/persuasion coaching for executives and asset management professionals, mostly but not limited to purposes like managing people, leading and closing sales/capital commitments.