
Improve Your English Accent

Tiffany's Top 10 Pronunciation Tips on English Stress, Rhythm, and Melody
Free tutorial
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (76 ratings)
3,380 students
1hr 12min of on-demand video
English [CC]

Speak with the rhythm of English
Link words together
Pause in the appropriate place
Apply the correct intonation to statements and questions.


  • Intermediate/Advanced English skills (not for beginners)


Take this short course and FINALLY improve your pronunciation and fluency by practicing the most important aspects of English pronunciation. This pronunciation course is not about the specific consonant and vowel sounds of English. You can find great videos about how to produce the sounds on YouTube. But what I have discovered after teaching English for over thirteen years is that knowing how to produce the sounds is not enough. You need to learn the music of English if you want a more natural sounding accent. This course will help you improve your speaking and listening skills by practicing English stress, rhythm, and intonation. I provide my top 10 tips and tricks that have helped my students the most with their pronunciation.

Tiffany is a native speaker of American English. She will be demonstrating the practice activities with a North American accent, but these tips apply to many other English accents too. If you want to speak more clearly or sound more like a native English speaker, this is the right course for you! It's appropriate for intermediate to advanced English learners. Tiffany speaks slightly slower than normal, but this course is not designed for beginners. It includes 10 videos with short explanations and practice activities as well as assignments and quizzes. Because you'll need some time to do your homework assignments after each practice video, Tiffany suggests doing one learning tip per day. Many students complete the course in about 10 days.

Who this course is for:

  • Intermediate or advanced English learners who want to speak more clearly or fluently.


Experienced American English Pronunciation Teacher and Coach
Tiffany Pérez Ferrando
  • 4.5 Instructor Rating
  • 76 Reviews
  • 3,380 Students
  • 1 Course

Tiffany loves helping people improve their English and refine their accents. Like you, Tiffany has spent a long time learning another language (hers is Spanish!), and she knows how difficult and frustrating it can be. She's taught English to language learners for over 13 years and worked with students of all different language backgrounds at many different schools and universities in the United States and Europe. Tiffany would love to help you improve your English pronunciation!

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