The Solar System: Planets, Moons, & the Sun
What you'll learn
- All the planets in the Solar System
- Some of the moons in the Solar System
- The Asteroid belt
- The Sun and it’s lifecycle
- Some very basic knowledge of chemistry would be helpful, but not essential
In this course, you will learn about all 8 planets in the Solar system, plus Pluto, 9 Moons, the asteroid belt, and our yellow Dwarf Star the Sun.
This course includes the closest planet to the Sun Mercury, the hot and hostile Venus, our home the Earth, the red and dusty planet Mars, the massive and majestic Jupiter, the ringed planet Saturn, Uranus, the ocean blue Neptune, the small and icy Pluto, Earths crater covered Moon, the tiny misshaped moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos, the 4 main moons of Jupiter volcanic Io, Europa, the largest moon in the Solar system Ganymede, the crystal covered Calisto, the cloud covered moon of Saturn Titan, the moon of Neptune Triton, the asteroid belt, the Sun, what it does throughout the eons and its stages of evolution. At the end of the lectures on the planets, the moons, the asteroid belt and the Sun, you will be given a test to complete. Things mentioned about each of celestial bodies such as sizes and distances, interesting facts and chemical properties of different bodies
There will also be a bonus lecture on 4 different star systems near the Solar system, this includes the closest star system to our own the Alpha Centauri system, aswell as the Barnards Star system, the brightest star in the night sky Sirius system and the Tau Ceti system
Who this course is for:
- Anyone
My name is Matthew Thompson, I’ve done many courses on Udemy and I really enjoy using the site, my favourite subject is stuff to do with laws of physics, these kinds of things include stuff to do with space, gravity, Einstein s special theory of relativity, how the brain works, how atoms work etc