The secret meaning of the Lord's Prayer
What you'll learn
- Put into practice the deep meaning of the Lord's prayer
- Discover the law of attraction in the Lord's Prayer and how to use it in everyday life
- Bringing together spirituality and prosperity and creating wealth from an inner state of abundance.
- To unite science and religion, getting rid of dogmatism and superstition
- All it takes is internet and willingness to learn and evolve how to be integral
In this course you will learn the practical meaning of the Lord's prayer and how it is associated with the law of attraction and the law of vibration.
It's not just a matter of religion. There is a whole esoteric and scientific meaning behind every word of the Lord's prayer.
In this prayer has an extraordinary healing and transformation power that most of humanity is unaware of.
Through these wise words you will learn how to change your life for the better, discovering all the science behind each verse
In fact, this is a big secret that most of humanity is ignorant of. In this course you will discover that you are not a leaf blown in the wind, but that you own your destiny.
In this course you will learn: how to create the reality you want, how to reach your goals, how to overcome sadness and find again your inner joy, that happiness that nothing is nobody can steal
You will also know how to deal with difficult people and situations knowing not only to forgive, but also to turn problems into opportunities.
What enables me to teach you this course?
1. As a hypnologist and therapist I share with my patients daily what you will attend in this course and, for me, the biggest payment I get is seeing them with their lives totally transformed - which makes me even happier and more fulfilled!
2. I took the MMI course (Millionaire Mind Intensive Course) with T. Harv Eker, the author of the best seller "The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind" and also graduated in thetahealing in the modality "Manifestation and Abundance" - you can check it out at My profile.
3. I have over 12000 students in 78 countries who have also been impacted by this work.
Everything that is in this course you have not seen and will not see anywhere,
as it is an extremely profound and transforming knowledge.
If you have any questions, I will be entirely at your disposal.
You can count on me for any difficulties or questions you have.
A big hug and stay with God.
Fernando Neves
Who this course is for:
- Who seeks God with faith, but in a rational and practical way
- Who has difficulty understanding and interpreting the bible in a free and practical way
Fernando Felice é hipnólogo ericksoniano, escritor e conferencista.
I - Fez o MMI "millionaire mind intensive" ( curso intensivo para mente milionária) de T. Harv Eker
OBS: T Harv Eker é autor do best seller "Os segredos da mente milionária"
II - É instrutor com 45 cursos publicados, com mais de 20000 alunos espalhados em 109 países e 26 línguas
III- Especializado em Thetahealing:
3. Na metodologia "Digging" (escavamento em crenças raízes)
4. Para manifestação e abundância
5. Você e o Criador
III - Formado em hipnose clássica pela:
1. Associação Brasileira de Hipnose
2. Instituto Lucas Naves
3. Hipnose Ericksoniana pelo Instituto Sofia Bauer.
IV - Formado em terapia transpessoal pelo Instituto Atman
V - Formado em terapia regressiva integral pelo método Roger Wolger.
VI - Facilitador de pathwork
VIII - Terapeuta formado em EMDR (Reprocessamento e Descensibilização pelo Movimento Bilateral dos Olhos)
VII - Training em Constelação Familiar
VIII - Mestre em Patologia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)
IX - Tem quatro livros nas áreas de felicidade, espiritualidade e auto-conhecimento (todos os exemplares publicados já vendidos)