What you'll learn
- 您将了解109年前到今日西方科学家如何应对自闭症。
- 您将了解西方科学家对自闭症的理解和治疗的局限性和不足之处。
- 您将学习古人的智慧,黄帝内经的理论来了解自闭症全面的问题。
- 您将学习自闭症患者的生理和意识发展的重要概念。
- 您将学习使用黄帝内经的知识来调理自闭症谱系障碍。
- 请查看目录以了解涵盖的各个主题。
- 虽然本系列的所有课程都是相互关联的,但本课程可以先自学。
这个视频课程“自闭症 : 从理解到解决行动”研究及分析西方医学科学家从109年前到今天,如何处理自闭症。
It is difficult for us to fully understand the challenges of family with autistic child or children.
Parents with autistic child face another dilemma. Western medical scientists say that autism cannot be cured, yet parents have to invest a great deal of time and money on all sorts of long term intervention programs for the child.
Special Need Children Specialists can't completely explain in which way the intervention program can improve the child. At the same time, back in the mind, "Autism cannot be cured".
Different intervention experts disagree with each other, and each expert believes that their intervention plan is the most effective.
This video course "Autism: From Understanding to Solution Action" studies and analyses how Western medical scientists have dealt with autism since 109 years ago till today.
We especially discuss the different theories they use. What is missing?
Then, we introduce the ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic.
We discuss how the overall integrated theory of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic can logically explain the various disorders and behaviour problems of various autistic children.
At the same time, the same theory will be used to do balancing work to the autistic children, to improve their problems.
This is also a marked difference from Western medicine theory. Western medicine has many elaborate theories, but there is no solution for parents to do anything!
Who this course is for:
- 坚信还有对自己的生命有更多的知识需要认识。
- 熱愛生命,追求幸福,發揮本有的無限潛能。
- 對身心靈健康和宇宙充满好奇。
- 尽管當下面临挑战,表现不佳,或有疾病,决定学习天天養生,以实现全面健康。
Near 30 years with oil and gas company, Malaysia Petronas, worked as engineer, manager, trainer and coach, observed much misaligned behaviors in organizations, performances and illnesses issues, which motivated me to search for solutions.
Research and practice Chinese ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, coach more than 600 people with all sort of issues : performance problems, depression, suicide, cancers, Parkinson, autistic children, relationship issues, ..
Trained 500 over students (classroom & on-line), seeking health, better performance, life practice for autism, Parkinson, cancers, etc. Using the ancient wisdom.
The philosophy of the ancient wisdom is also applied in trading market for successful trading as per video course "Buy Low Sell High".