Songwriting Control: Songwriting Masterclass
What you'll learn
- Everything about songwriting
- Music theory
- Scale
- Chords
- Melodies
- Song Structure
- Brainstorming
- Rhythm
- Tempo
- Writing texts
- Song analysis
- Für Andere schreiben
- You don't need any previous knowledge and can start immediately!
Would you like to write your own songs? Or do you already have some experience and want to take your songwriting to the next level?
Then SONGWRITING CONTROL is just right for you!
In this course Philipp will show you everything about music theory, scales, chords, melodies, how a song is structured, finding ideas, rhythm, tempo, writing lyrics, song analysis, how to write for others, and much more...
But what exactly will you learn in this course?
Music Theory Part1: In the first section of Songwriting Control you will get the perfect introduction to music theory, tones, scales, major, minor, chords, chord progressions and also the basics of a melody. This section could be sold as a separate course under the name "Music Theory for Beginners", but we have integrated it into the course here because we want to bring all participants up to the same level.
What is a song? Maybe this question sounds totally banal to you, but it's not if you look deeper. In the second section you will learn in which parts a song is structured, how to identify the style, determine rhythm and tempo and much more. The highlight of this section are the tasks for you. Philipp has picked out a song for you in each genre and analysed it. Your task is to also analyse the song according to the given parameters and then compare your analysis with that of Philipp. Feel free to use the Questions & Answers section to get individual feedback from Philipp.
How to start a new song: Here you get a guideline to start with your new song. Here is the rough procedure: Finding ideas, chords, melody, lyrics, rhythm, style and song parts. All steps will be explained to you in detail by Philipp. At the end, you will be given the task of finding your own chord progression.
Writing lyrics: A central element of songwriting is, of course, writing lyrics. You will learn strategies to find fruitful ideas for your lyrics, rhyme schemes and also how to tell a story with your song. In most cases, artists want to indirectly tell a story with their song or simply get a message across with the song. You will learn all this in this section. Take a look at some free preview videos here so you can see for yourself the quality of the course.
Now it's time to write your first song with all the knowledge you have learned before. As you know, only applied knowledge makes a difference and here everything is put into practice. At the end of this section you will have your own song.
Part 2: Secrets of the big "hits": What actually distinguishes a hit song from a normal song? How can you increase your chances of getting a hit? Of course, there is no blueprint for this. But Philipp tells you everything he does every day in his work as a musician to write a hit.
Music Theory Part2: In the first section you already understood the basics of music theory. But now it goes even deeper and you learn advanced elements of music theory. Here is a brief overview of the topics: Reharmonisation, Harmonic Minor, Ostinato Tones, Slash Chords and Walking Basses.
Writing Melodies: Feel free to watch some free preview videos. In this section you'll learn how to link and express emotions with your melody, key changes and a lot more about writing melodies.
Writing for others: Maybe you don't want to perform the song you've written yourself. If that's the case, you'll learn here what to consider when writing songs for others.
Questions & Answers: Since Philipp often gets asked the same questions, we have created a chapter to answer them in video form. So if you have a question and it's not covered in this chapter, we'll be happy to create a video to answer it.
This course is for anyone who wants to have fun with songwriting and master the topic from A-Z step by step.
So what are you waiting for? Enrol in Songwriting Control today and we'll see you in the first video.
We look forward to seeing you!
All the best
Philipp & Marius
Who this course is for:
- Beginners who are just starting out in songwriting
- Advanced students who want to learn from a professional musician
(english version below)
Kann ich Dir helfen, eine neue Fähigkeit zu erlernen?
Seit 2019 bringe ich Menschen wie Dir alles bei, was ich weiß. In meiner Tätigkeit als Udemy Premium Dozent erstelle ich in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Experten Top bewertete Kurse. Hier ein kleiner Überblick welche Themen wir in den Kursen behandeln:
-Musik (Gesang, Gitarre, Ukulele, Musikproduktion,...)
-Kunst (Zeichnen mit Bleistift, Digitale Kunst mit Procreate)
-Business (Online Marketing, Shopify, Webdesign etc.)
-Kreativ (Viel Adobe Software)
-Sport (Fitness, Personal Trainer lizenz)
-Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren
und noch vieles mehr...
Nimm mich nicht nur beim Wort
Tausende Studenten haben sich in meine Kurse eingeschrieben und neue Fähigkeiten erlernt. Ich bin stolz darauf, Kurse von hoher Qualität aus der Praxis heraus zu entwickeln. Ich arbeite oft mit Experten zusammen, um unsere ständig wachsende Bibliothek von Kursen zu erweitern.
Ich habe immer versucht, das Leben gegenwärtig und in vollen Zügen zu leben. Zu den Dingen, die ich in meiner Freizeit gerne tue, gehören Musik machen, mich über persönliche Finanzen austoben, neue Orte bereisen, Sport machen (großer Calisthenics Fan hier!) und mit Freunden und Familie essen gehen.
Im Jahr 2018 habe ich meine Fitnesstrainer B und A Lizenz gemacht und bin im Anschluss auf eine einjährige Reise um den halben Globus aufgebrochen. Die ersten acht Monate verbrachte ich in Australien, wo ich die Freiheit des Lebens in vollen Zügen genoss. Darauf folgten drei Monate pure Action gemischt mit Hängematte am Strand in Asien. Ich kaufte mir unter anderem ein Motorrad in Vietnam und fuhr die Küste etwa 3000km entlang, wobei ich nicht nur einmal fast umgekommen wäre.
Heute arbeite Ich weiterhin mit Freunden an Film- und anderen kreativen Projekten zusammen und halte meine Fähigkeiten frisch und bereit, Dich zu unterrichten.
Ich möchte Dir zeigen, wie Du ein besserer Schöpfer werden, mit Deinen Kreationen Geld verdienen und das Leben leben kannst, von dem Du geträumt hast.
Can I help you learn a new skill?
Since 2019, I've been teaching people like you everything I know. In my role as an instructor, I create top rated courses in collaboration with other experts. Here's a quick overview of what topics we cover in the courses:
-Music (Singing, Guitar, Ukulele, Musicproduction,...)
-Art (Pencil Drawing, Digital Art with Procreate)
-Business (Online Marketing, Shopify, Webdesign etc.)
-Creative (Mostly Adobe Software)
-Sport (Fitness, Personal Trainer license)
-Neuro Linguistic Programming
and much more...
Don't just take my word for it
Thousands of students have enrolled in my courses and learned new skills. I pride myself on developing high quality courses from real-world experience. I often collaborate with experts to add to our ever-growing library of courses.
Check out our course library, and sign up today.
I have always tried to live life presently and to the fullest. Things I like to do in my free time include making music, geeking out over personal finance, traveling to new places, exercising (big calisthenics fan here!), and going out to eat with friends and family.
In 2018, I earned my fitness instructor B and A licenses and then embarked on a year-long journey halfway around the globe. I spent the first eight months in Australia, where I enjoyed the freedom of life to the fullest. This was followed by three months of pure action mixed with hammocking on the beach in Asia. Among other things, I bought a motorcycle in Vietnam and rode along the coast for about 3000km, almost getting killed more than once.
Today I continue to work with friends on film and other creative projects, keeping my skills fresh and ready to teach you.
I want to show you how to become a better creator, make money with your creations, and live the life you've dreamed of.
***english version below***
Philipp Godart ist Sänger und Entertainer, und das seit 2006. Mit 120+ Auftritten jährlich in ganz Europa, zahlreichen Festivals, Studiojobs für Bands und Werbejingles und der Arbeit an eigenen Songs gehört Philipp zu den Top-Profis der Szene. Doch nicht nur die Erfahrung als Sänger, Musiker und Produzent sondern auch der langjährige Job als Vocalcoach spielen Philipp in die Karten. Nach vielen verschiedenen Coachings durch teils internationale Lehrer gipfelte seine Ausbildung schließlich im "Estill Voice Training" 2015 und der amerikanischen „Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy“. Seit 2006 arbeitet Philipp als Musikpädagoge und Vocalcoach, leitete erfolgreich zwei Musikschulen und eine eigene Firma zur Durchführung musikpädagogischer Konzepte an weiterführenden Schulen.
Philipp produziert und schreibt Musik für sich und andere Künstler im eigenen Msuikstudio und ist als Mixing- und Masteringengineer tätig.
Philipp fühlt sich im Bereich Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter und Soul als Sänger Zuhause und veröffentlicht regelmäßig eigene Songs.
Philipp Godart is a professional singer and entertainer from Germany and working as a singer, musician, coach, songwriter and producer since 2006. With steady 120+ shows per year, festivals and studio jobs Philipp is one of the top professionals in Germany. Despite his experience as a singer/musician on stage and in the music business Philipp ist working as a vocal coach for more than 15 years right now. Through several workshops and coachings Philipp finally worked very close with an international singing school called "Estill Voice Training" in 2015 and with "Ken Tamplin Vocal Acamdemy". Since 2006 Philipp is working as a vocal and guitar coach, founded a musicproject for private schools and a children's musical for youngsters, was leading two private music schools in Germany and created Voice Control and Guitar Control, two of the Number One selling courses in Germany and international.
In his own music studio Philipp writes original music for his projects and for several other artists, produces music and is working as a mixing- and mastering engineer.
Philipp sings Pop, Rock, Soul Singer/Songwriter and releases own music regularly.