What you'll learn
- プロジェクトでどのようにスクラムを適用すればよいかわかる
- スクラムでビジネスに価値をもたらす方法
- スクラムでプロジェクトを効率的に遂行する方法
- スクラムの概念を身に着ける
- スクラムに使えるツールを知る
- スクラムの価値、基本概念、3つの柱をマスターする
- スクラムの歴史を理解する
- スクラムとウォーターフォールの違いを理解する
- 初心者向けのコースです。スクラムについての事前知識は必要ありません、
- 受講用の環境(PC/スマートフォーン/タブレット、イヤホン等)
このコースは海外人気講座 "Agile Scrum Course: Scrum Fundamentals | Scrum Certification"の日本語字幕版です。
このコースでは、アジャイルスクラムプロジェクトマネジメントを始めるために必要なことをすべてカバーしていきます。スクラムの慣例、スクラムの基礎、スクラムの原則、スクラムで役立つツール、スクラムアーチファクトとスクラムの実践例、そして実務で活用いただけるテンプレートを含みます。 コース限定のプレゼントもお楽しみに。
【コース特典】 このコースにご登録いただくと、アクティビティ、配布資料、クイズ、1対1のエキスパートサポート、継続的なアクセス、無料のコースアップデート、100%返金保証制度(UFB除く)をご利用いただけます。
✔️ このコースをおすすめする理由
•講師のMauricio RubioはThe Agile Knowledge Baseの創設者。スクラムとアジャイルのエキスパートであり、世界をリードするコーチです。
• 貴重なツール、テンプレート、リソースが含まれています
• きっと気に入っていただけると思います。
✨ 他のコースとの違いは?
• 追加のスクラム認証に無料でアクセスできます。
• 無料のツール、無料のダウンロード可能なテンプレート、実例、実務での活用ヒント、プレゼントが含まれています。
•アジャイルナレッジベース(AgileKB dot com)の創設者によって現代の世界で最も人気のあるプロジェクト管理方法論によって作成されました。
•あなたは毎日これを適用し、常に彼のプロジェクトで賞を受賞しているCertified Scrum MasterとScrumのエキスパートから学びます。
「アジャイルスクラムを始めようと思っている方には最高のコースです。優れた用語の提供とスクラムの基本の理解に役立ちます。」 -Daren K. Stills
「私は最初にMauricioによるアジャイルクラッシュコースを受けました。とても役に立ちました。私はこれを楽しみにしていました、そしてそれは私の期待が実際にそれらを超えたということを満たしました。私は長年にわたりプロジェクトマネージャーを務めていました - このコースの後、アジャイルにとってはかなり新しいシックスシグマ、リーンなどです。ありがとうMauricio」 - メアリーネルソン
「明確、簡潔、完全絶対に初心者が始めるための必需品。コースは私の期待に応えました、私はそれからたくさん学ぶことができました。 Mauricioに感謝します、とても良いコースです!」 - セコウジアカイト
「私はいつもどんなスクラムがすべてなのかについて疑問に思いました。このコースはそれを捨てるのに役立ちました。嬉しかったです。」 - ダミローラオルミデ - アデノラ
「基礎についてのコースは本当に素晴らしいです、講師は透明性と本当に本当に良いサンプルで説明します。」 - イエスゴンザロバルガス
•初心者 •スクラムについて知りたい人
はい、もちろん!このスクラム認証を履歴書または履歴書に追加することができます。 「Professional Development」という見出しの下に追加することをお勧めします。次に、コースのタイトル、修了年、最後にUdemyを追加するだけです。
Udemy Scrum認定は実社会で何か価値がありますか?
もちろんそうです! Udemyは大学ではなく、「認定された」認定を受けていませんが(大学から取得するもののように)、Udemyは現代の世界で最も重要なオンライン教育プラットフォームであり、世界中で1500万人を超えるユーザーがいます。だからそれは間違いなく重量を運び、ますます世界的に認識されるようになっています。ですから、このスクラム認定をあなたの履歴書に追加すれば、アジャイルスクラム環境やプロジェクト管理でその夢の仕事を得る可能性が高まります。
それであなたは何を待っていますか? 「今すぐ購入」をクリックするだけで、すぐに連絡が入ります。
2019年5月 •全般的な改善と機能強化 •新しいテンプレートを追加しました
2. 24時間365日のサポート。年中無休、クリスマス、大晦日など、24時間年中無休でご連絡いただけます。私はすぐに(数時間のうちに)あなたに戻ってきて、できる限りのサポートを行います。
5. 量よりも質。私は、コースを簡潔にすること、そしてすべての内容に重要な意味があるように努力します。時間は私たちの最も価値のある資産のひとつであり、慎重に投資する必要があります。だから私はあえてコースを長くすることはしません。厳密に必要なときだけ、時間を割きます。私にとってそれは品質についてであり、私が5分でそれを届けることができて、あなたの時間を節約することができるならば、私はそうするでしょう。
Who this course is for:
- アジャイル開発やスクラムを学んだことのない人
- スクラムマスターを目指している人
- スクラム認定を受けたい人
- ウォーターフォールとスクラムの違いを理解したい人
YESI EDUCATION is a global online education business with over 100 products that reach more than half a million students in over 200 countries. Our portfolio of products includes: online courses, ebooks, audiobooks, newsletters, apps, podcasts and other educational resources such as templates.
YESI is formally incorporated and headquartered in Sydney, Australia and has three main divisions: EDUCATION, PROPERTY and INVEST. YESI’s ABN (Australian Business Number) is: 57637465626
YESI, founded in 2016, has a strong focus on passive income generation and wealth creation. The company constantly explores new revenue streams, disruptive and innovative technologies as well as investment opportunities and new products within its three divisions.
The Udemy Japan Team はUdemyでコースを公開する講師の皆様の助けになることをモットーにしています。Udemyで一人でも多くの講師が成功できるように、快適なプラットフォームの提供とコース作成、そしてマーケティングに関するサポートを行っています。
In a nutshell, I'm a serial entrepreneur, techie, life hacker, expert PM and MBA (x2). But at heart, I'm also an Educator.
Mauricio in Numbers
Founded or co-founded 8 business startups.
Invested in 6 personal startups.
Studied 2 MBAs and 1 Bachelor of Engineering.
Teaching over half a million students in more than 200 countries worldwide (that's nearly every country on the planet!).
Traveled to 14 Countries and lived in 4.
Lives in the most beautiful city in the world, frequently ranked in the Top 10 places to live & visit.
Worked for a prestigious University, ranked 1st in Australia and 8th in the world among young Universities.
Worked for a Fortune 500 company (Johnson&Johnson) for 6 years. During that time received a High Performance and Global Leadership award.
Was in the Top 40 in the world that were part of J&J's Global Operations Leadership Development program inaugural class.
Created over 100 Online Magazines with more than 18,000 curated articles from all over the world.
Host of joinmeforcoffee & Become a Project Manager podcasts.
Speaks 3 languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese).
-Bought property in the most expensive suburb of Sydney, Australia. One of the wealthiest nations on Earth
-Published The Mini Book of Agile, available on Amazon
-Received a letter of recognition from the CEO of a Billion dollar company for contributions in an Agile project
-Launched a Research Data Management Plan tool for Researchers
-In the Top 10% Most Engaging Instructors on Udemy
-Won a Hackathon by creating an immersive virtual reality experience
-Achieved an Agile DSDM certification
-Rolled out OneDrive to over 8K users in a business for collaboration and data management
-Successfully migrated over half a BILLION archived emails from an on-prem solution to Office 365 in the Cloud
The Story
My passion for entrepreneurship, technology and education started when I was just a kid. By the time I was 15 I had already started three businesses: candy commercialization at school, newspaper recycling in my community and car washing for family and friends. I had also moved from Colombia (South America) to the U.S. to experience first-hand the American culture, something I was always curious about. Then I moved on to a knowledge based business, teaching English. And the rest as they say is history. I traveled the world, migrated to Australia, did 2 MBAs and started all the startups listed below. I also speak three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese), have been to over 60 cities in 14 countries & 4 continents and have also lived in Colombia, Mexico, USA and Australia (my home). I'm Colombian and also Australian.
The Entrepreneur
In 2016 I founded YESI and formally incorporated it as a company in 2019 here in Australia. YESI EDUCATION is a global online education business with over 100 products that reach more than half a million students in over 200 countries. Our portfolio of products includes: online courses, ebooks, audiobooks, newsletters, apps, podcasts and other educational resources such as templates. YESI is formally incorporated and headquartered in Sydney, Australia and has three main divisions: EDUCATION, PROPERTY and INVEST. YESI’s ABN (Australian Business Number) is: 57637465626
***Business Startups
1) AgileKB - The Agile Knowledge Base | Everything you need to know about Agile Project Management & Agile Delivery
2) Grabdl - Grab a Download | An online, self-serve store of digital products available for download
3) Ureducation - Free Online Courses & Outlet Priced Courses | Curated Online Courses from the world's leading Online Training Providers and Instructors
4) Udemy - +40 courses launched, more to come | Knowledge turned into useful / commercially viable courses
5) Become a Project Manager Podcast & Newsletter - Project Management Education, Tools, Resources, Templates and Applications
6) The Mini Book of Agile - a book that jam packs the key concepts, fundamentals and tools of Agile Project Management, Agile Development & Agile Delivery
***Personal Startups
1) Global MBA with Tulane University. Studied in New Orleans (USA), Paris (France) and Beijing (China).
2) Migrated to Australia as a Permanent Resident and Skilled Professional.
3) Started a Street Performance Documentary on YouTube (you can google it, just enter "Street Performance Documentary Mauricio Rubio").
***Behind the Scenes
It's not all pink, ponies and rainbows. Even though I have had many successes as a person, professional and entrepreneur, I have also been rejected many times. A lot of people have not believed in my projects or ideas and have not supported me in my journey. Yet, I kept moving fwd because I believe in the power of pursuing your dreams, goals and objectives. Here is a list of the people who have rejected me recently (to name a few):
1) Amazon Merch On Demand in 2023
2) The prestigious University MIT, twice in 2016
3) The Boston Global Mass Challenge in 2014
The Professional (My CV)
Master of Management and Engineer with a proven track record of successfully leading teams to deliver on business goals & objectives. Highly experienced in program management, project management (Agile Certified), solution design, development, risk management and change management. Recognized for consistently exceeding targets, delivering programs, products and projects on time and within budget.
Accomplished expert in information technology, product development, software, and mobile development projects, known for strong leadership skills that drive innovation, productivity, efficiency, improvement, growth, and high performance. Ready to lead teams to achieve exceptional results.
I've lead course development, LMS, CMS, CRM, mobile apps, Facebook apps, web development, new product development, IT, operations, sales and procurement projects across a wide range of industries including Higher Education, IT, FMCG and Equipment industries. I also worked for the following companies:
-An Australian Go8 University, ranked in the Top 1% in the world.
-The leading Online Training provider in Australia: e3Learning, part of Open Universities Australia which has big clients such as Qantas, IGA and Tupperware.
-A Colombian compact and heavy equipment distributor: ETECOL, part of Doosan and Bobcat a global company with Billions of dollars in sales.
-An American high tech startup with important clients such as NASA, the White House and the U.S. Department of Defense.
-An American Fortune 500 company: Johnson&Johnson one of the biggest and most respected brands in the world.
Academic Background
Master of Management - Tulane University
MBA - ICESI University
Bachelor of Engineering - Javeriana University
Professional Development
Entrepreneurship 101 - MIT
Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching - Harvard University
Skills & Areas of Expertise
-Agile Development & Agile Delivery
-Project Management
-Business Analysis
-Product Management
-AI (Artificial Intelligence)
-Change Management
-Productivity & Productivity Apps
-Wealth Creation
-Email Marketing
-Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
-Job Interviews, Resume/CV & Cover Letter Optimization
-Six Sigma
-Design Excellence
-Strategic Procurement
-Supply Chain & Operations
-Content Creation
-Video Creation
-Video Edition
-Audio Edition
-Creative Writing
-Spanish, English and Portuguese
Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)
Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise.
24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise.
Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So if you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.
Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and they are professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love. I apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people from different backgrounds. I promise.
Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise.
Why do I teach?
-To help professionals advance their careers
-To help others reach their goals
-Because I love sharing knowledge and helping others
-To make the world a better place
-To empower others to reach their full potential
-To create a sustainable, wealthy future
"I'm not an ideal man, but a man of ideas" -Khodorkovsky
A final note
Thank you for reading about my journey. And thank you for your support. I don't know how you got here or why you're reading this right now, but that doesn't really matter, rest assured I will do my best to provide you with what you need to succeed, grow your career or take your path to the next level. By now, you've probably realized that I'm not your typical Coach or Instructor so before you go, know this: you are in good hands, and making an investment in any of my courses is one of the best investments you'll ever make in yourself, in your future, in your growth. So I'll see you on the other side