Scrum & Agile Masterclass: Become a Scrum Master; PSM1 Test
What you'll learn
- Deep Dive into Scrum and Agile
- Everything you need to know to pass your Scrum Master certification, including a "cheat sheet" for PSM 1
- Advanced insights into lessons learned from real Scrum projects
- Includes exercises that you can use to introduce Scrum and agile principles in your company
- Advanced concepts: relative estimation, prioritization of User-Stories & scaling of Scrum and more
- Deep Dive how to succesfully execute Sprint Retrospectives
- Detailed presentation for download
- Suited for all business fields, not just software development
- Includes templates for User-Stories, Capacity planning and calculation and Weekly Planning
- Suited for Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Development Teams
- Good earphones
- No previous Scrum knowledge required
- Notebook / PC for downloads
-- One of the best selling german courses now finally available in english! --
In a fast moving business world modern Project Management approaches like Scrum become more and more important.
Countless organizations have recently transitioned from traditional Project Management approaches towards Scrum, or are in this very process right now, creating many exciting job opportunities for trained Scrum Masters, Product Owners, or Developers.
Unfortunately, we experience way too often that project teams, Scrum Master and entire organizations struggle with the implementation and execution of Scrum projects, as most trainings rely on simplified textbook education, that can´t match the challenges of today´s projects.
The "Scrum & Agile Masterclass: All you need to know about Scrum" is the perfect addition to the official Scrum Guide and goes way beyond just explaining the roles, events and artifacts of Scrum and provides examples, lessons learned and even templates from and for real life projects to help you succeed in your agile project.
This course is suited for beginners and intermediate Project Managers, Agile Enthusiasts, Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Development Team members, that want a more pragmatic and real-life oriented approach to Scrum
At the end of this course you will be able to:
+ understand Scrum, way beyond what you would learn from the Scrum Guide or Scrum Primer
+ know exercises, techniques and templates that you can directly apply to your project and team
+ be more successful in an agile Transformation or Scrum project
+ start immediately as a Scrum Master in any given project and not step into common pitfalls
+ have more successful Sprint Retrospectives
+ pass your Scrum Master certification
This Course includes a final exam similar to the PSM 1 certification (professional scrum master) and a "cheat sheet" that helps to prepare and pass the official exam
Pledge to my students:
1. Quality over quantity: Proven Content and real life experience
The content i´m sharing is based on real-life experience from several years as project manager, Scrum Master and agile coach. This is not a repetition of the official Scrum Guide, but an extensive explanation of how to make Scrum work in real projects.
I´m only talking about what i have learned from my projects and where i can truly consider myself an expert in, to give you the best possible advice to make you succeed in your project.
2. Continuous Improvement of this course
This course will be continously improved and enhanced. Feedback from participants will regularly be reviewed and added to the course in new lessons if feasible
3. Answering your questions
I offer my support in regards to any questions in regards to this course, or real-life Scrum challenges of your current project. Don´t hesitate to contact me
I sincerely hope you´ll enjoy this course!
See you in the course!
Who this course is for:
- People interested in Scrum and agile concepts
- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Development Teams
- Team Leads
- Agile enthusiasts
- Managers
Featured review
(scroll down for english version)
Niels Rabe stammt aus Köln und ist als Unternehmensberater und Projektmanagementcoach tätig.
Seine größte Vorliebe gilt der Wissensvermittlung in Workshops und Projektmanagementkursen, in denen er Theorie und Praxis miteinander verbindet.
In mehr als 12 Jahren Berufserfahrung erlangte er weitreichende Kenntnisse in klassischen, wie auch agilen Projekten und betreute zahlreiche namhafte Unternehmen (Deloitte, AXA, Vodafone, BMW u.v.m.) als PMO, Projektleiter, Scrum Master und Projektmanagementberater
Er verfügt über diverse Projektmanagementzertifizierungen (Scrum Master, Prince 2 Practitioner und IPMA/GPM) und berichtet in seinen Kursen, welche Methoden und Techniken in der Praxis tatsächlich funktionieren.
Niels ist auf Anfrage auch für individuelle inhouse-Seminare und Fortbildungen verfügbar (email:
2021 absolvierte Niels den knapp 11.000 Kilometer langen Fernwanderweg "Great Western Loop" in den USA. Er ist der erste Mensch der Welt, der die Route gegen den Uhrzeigersinn geschafft hat. Seine Erfahrungen hat er in seinem Buch "Elftausend - zu Fuß durch den Westen der USA" festgehalten.
Niels Rabe is from Cologne, Germany and works as project management Consultant and coach.
He loves sharing his experiences and teaching project management skills in workshops and online-courses that combine theory and best practices.
In more than 12 years as project manager, Scrum Master and (agile) Coach, Niels has gathered extensive experience in agile, hybrid agile and traditional projects, working for well-known companies like Deloitte, AXA, Vodafone and BMW.
Niels is a certified Scrum Master, PRINCE2-Practitioner and IPMA/GPM-Project Manager.
in 2021 Niels hiked the almost 11.000 kilometer long-distance-route known as "Great Western Loop". He became the first person ever to finish the hike counterclockwise. His story is documented in his book "Elftausend - zu Fuß durch den Westen der USA"