تعليم مهارات البيع و الاقناع بنظام - MAP
What you'll learn
- مهارات البيع
- مهارات الاقناع
- يجب علي المشتركين في هذه الدورة تحميل الملفات الملحقة و القيام بعمل التدريبات بها لضمان الاستفادة القصوي
مهارات البيع و الاقناع في عصرنا الحالي تعد من الركائز الاساسية للنمو
في هذه الدورة ستتعلم كيف تكون متميزاَ في هذا المجال
و كيف يمكنك بيع اي شئ أو اي فكرة لأي شخص
تتكون الدورة من ثلاثة أجزاء رئيسية هي
١) المعرفة الذاتية و مطابقتها بالمهارات المطلوبة
٢) الاحتياجات النفسية لدي الاشخاص التي تدفعهم للشراء
٣) استراتيجيات البيع
Who this course is for:
- الراغبين في تطوير مهارة الاقناع
- الراغبين في تطوير مهارات البيع
- العاملين في اقسام المبيعات أو من يودون العمل بها
- الاشخاص المقبلين علي مقابلة عمل
- اصحاب المشاريع الخاصة
مايكل راشد
بكالريوس صيدلة - جامعة القاهرة
خبرة ٨ سنوات في مجال التسويق و المبيعات
مؤسس قناة الزتونة لتلخيص الكتب علي اليوتيوب
محاضر في العديد من مراكز التنمية بمصر
Business Development Consultant - Noor Co.
حاصل علي شهادات
PCT "Professional Certified Trainer" - AUC
Entrepreneurship Essentials - Harvard Business School
Present to Impress - Novartis Co.
Shape your Career Pathway - IBM
I am an Executive and Business Transformation Coach with more than 12 years of experience in the areas of Executive Coaching and Business Transformation. I love working with executives and leaders in organizations in order to help them transform their business and reveal their success and happiness code in both their professional and personal life so they can have a greater impact on their lives and the lives of those around them.
I have a Doctorate in Business Psychology; My area of research was “Psychological Contract, Employee Engagement, Employee Productivity and mental health.” This study led me to study in depth NLP, Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Neuro-Semantic, Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach with the best teachers and leaders in this field.
I am a successful, well-known Executive and Business coach – a passion, mission and purpose more than a career. I have track record in business transformation projects, I have led many projects in Egypt and the Middle East, we successfully transformed international brands, I also led teams working with ministries and governments such as the ministry of education and the ministry of health in transforming the working systems and the mindset of the people working there.
I am the author of:
➢ “The Secret Compass” – best-selling book and was endorsed by Dr. Steve G. Jones – Hollywood Personal Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.
➢ “The Code of Business Transformation” – In the proof editing process.
I am a co-author of many books with great leaders and teachers such as:
➢ “The Path to Manifestation” – My name was beside Dr. Steve G. Jones’s name.
➢ “Tips and Practices for Your Wonderful Life”: How to Manifest What You Want – a compiled book with best sellers on Amazon for years such as Theresia Valoczy.
I have developed some personal development programs, life systems and coaching programs such as;
➢ “Discover Your Purpose for Leaders” – A system that helps leaders in their Mental maturity Stage find new meaning for their lives and careers.
➢ “Communication for Breakthrough” – where you take your idea into a new era of success.
➢ “Accelerator” – Where you can Quantum Leap Your Business and Life
➢ “Lead the Field” – The only and number one program in Egypt and the Middle East that can transform your life and business in three days.
➢ “Revealing your Success Code” – 7 steps toward ultimate success based on the Secret Compass Book.
➢ “The Psychology of Business Transformation” – The best Organizational Development Program till the moment, based on the latest teachings at the University of Pennsylvania and my doctorate research.
➢ “Fear Destroying System” – Where you will understand FEAR from a new perspective.
➢ “Ultimate Success Power” – A coaching program based on the 4Ss of life; the linking dots between Spirituality and Science. This program is the #1 program in its area.