Roblox NPC Quest System
What you'll learn
- How to manage your project files.
- Download and import Models into Roblox Studio correctly.
- Enable API Services to make use of Datastores.
- Create a Main Script to manage players joining and leaving your game.
- Learn to comment your code in a meaningful way.
- Create a game currency to reward your players.
- How to display game values on the screen using leaderstats.
- Create hidden folders to hold values players don’t need to see.
- Create “Quest State” variables to track your players progress as they complete their quests.
- How to use various data types in different ways to achieve your coding goals.
- Create useful print statements joining messages and values to test your game.
- Create a quest giver script that allows your players to interact with the quest giver.
- Learn to Move,Rotate and Scale parts and models to meet your games needs.
- Use Touch functions to trigger code when a player touches a part in your game.
- How to access the folders and values you create in different scripts for each player.
- Learn what different error messages mean, and how to fix them.
- How to access and change text in a GUI using code.
- Learn about quest logic to let your quest giver make decisions.
- How to use Module Scripts in a number of ways.
- Create dictionaries using JSON format to manage quest data in a easy to read and use way.
- Create dialogue for your quest giver to say to your players, and how to make it appear one line at a time.
- Create an Apple pickup your player can use to complete a quest.
- Use code to restrict which players can pickup and use quest items.
- Create a functions module to store common functions used by a number of scripts.
- Reward your players with in game currency when they complete quests.
- Control multiple parts with one script using tagged parts and the Collection Service.
- Learn make parts move in the workspace using code.
- Spawn functions that control a mini game we create in the project.
- Change the colour of the fields in a quest depending on how much they have been watered.
- Create new values for parts in the game on the fly using code.
- Learn to use Datastores to save and load your players data when they enter and leave your game.
- Add sound effects and music to your game using regions that allow the music to change when your players move between different areas.
- Have a Mac or PC with Roblox Studio installed
This course teaches you how to create a quest engine that allows you to create multiple quests, different quest types, and give your player rewards.
It involves many Roblox Studio programming techniques, and you will learn how to adapt these to your own games.
You will learn to use Scripts, Local Scripts, Module scripts, and a number of Game Services letting you save and load your player data, and control multiple parts using one script.
Learn how to create your own quests and integrate them into your own unique game idea.
The quest engine is adaptable, and completing the course will teach you many programming techniques that can easily be adapted to your own ideas.
You will learn to use For loops, While Loops, and Functions
Learn to understand programming language such as Arguments, objects, and return values.
Enables you to write your own quest story lines, and have players engage with a quest giver.
Install and use Plugins to assist you in completing the project.
Read and understand error messages, and how to fix them.
Add music, and sound effects to add atmosphere and audio cues for your players.
Enable you to access and use powerful coding concepts linking scripts and module scripts.
Create a game currency, and offer it as a reward to your players for completing quests.
Adjust your code to handle multiple players
Who this course is for:
- Intermediate to advanced Roblox Studio coders
I have been learning and teaching computing and programming for over 20 years.
My lectures are organised, well presented, and easy to follow.
I was introduced to playing Roblox, and creating in Roblox Studio by my 10 year old son.
I love the Roblox platform, and the resources available to create a professional Roblox game.
I have created these courses to teach you step by step how to turn your ideas into working games, and once you have the basics you can begin to create any game you can imagine.