Reiki Level I Training and Certification
- Commit to your Daily Practice
- Becoming Mindful
- Open for Personal Growth
- Commitment to Self Care
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese modality for reducing stress and promoting relaxation and healing. Based on unseen 'life force energy' that flows through us and is what makes us alive by "laying on hands". When this life force energy is low, we are more likely to experience stress and consequently dis-ease.
The word Reiki combines two Japanese words: Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy".
So Reiki is literally translated as "spiritually guided life force energy." A treatment can feel like wonderful glowing energy that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and wellbeing. There have been many reports of miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method for self-improvement and spiritual healing that everyone can use. It is effective in helping virtually every known illness and dis-ease. Reiki always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
What will you learn in this course?
What is Reiki
The history
It's Christian roots
The chakra system
The 5 principles of Reiki
The 3 miracles
The hand positions for self-healing
Attunement to Reiki I
Receive the Reiki I manual
Reiki self-treatment guided meditation
Who this course is for:
- Students wanting to become certified in Reiki Level I
- Entry level for students wanting to learn more about the energy systems of the body
- A Reiki I class would be for anyone interested in learning the basics of Reiki energy healing, regardless of their background or experience level.
Welcome Awakening Hearts! Deni Van here. In 2001, my heart was awakening after a diagnosis of cancer. I could feel I had 2 choices. Close my heart with fear or open my heart and start my spiritual awakening journey. I desired change, and my intuition told me to say “no” to traditional cancer treatment. I was told if I didn’t follow the treatment plan of chemo/radiation, that I would be dead in 2 years.
Wouldn't any awakening heart close up with fear? My intuition was telling me that there is so much more.
I started to listen to that tiny voice inside that told me that path was not for me. I didn’t know what was for me. All of my fears of dying came to the surface.
I was given a second chance by listening to that inner heartfelt voice. Discovering how integration, not suppression, is the way to creating states of healing through co-creation.
My desire is for your awakening heart to discover that there is nothing you need outside yourself to heal.
As an Intentional Creator at Heartfelt Awakening, I discovered a waking state hypnotic self treatment method based on a memory model without re-experiencing past traumatic experiences, a powerful new and unique method to guide awakening hearts to heal and discover their purpose while uncovering their spiritual gifts to serve humanity.
My desire is for your awakening heart to discover that there is nothing you need outside yourself to heal.
I work with those awakening hearts who want to thrive and are ready to commit to themselves, as our organization exists to arm people with techniques, tools, trainings, and methods to begin using right away. We enable heartfelt leaders to be seen, heard and activated and what they're called to do so the world can hear and feel the results of their dreams.
Deni is a Master Hypnotist, NLP Coach, and licensed professional linguist. Her specialty is combining the power of mindful living, integration, and consciousness expansion to uncover your soul compass, purpose, and authentic self.