What you'll learn
- 抑郁症、焦虑症患者可以学会阻断抑郁情绪的理论和方法,自我帮助,解除痛苦,瞬间渡己
- 健康人可以学会情绪控制方法,降低大五维度中的神经质性,自我发展,拥有强大的内心
- 学习Neurolinguistic Programming和Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy治疗和帮助他人
- 通过中文考试,我们代你申请CTAA执业会员资格
- 课程经过CTAA国际认证,有品质保障
- 有学习能力,略懂英文,具体条件可咨询
Overcome ®是位于英国伦敦的心理治疗诊所和心理治疗师认证培训机构。这支培训片是我们内部培训心理治疗师使用的。学习这支培训片,你可以学会治疗抑郁症、焦虑症的神经语言编程、理性情绪行为疗法的精华,通过考试可以成为国际认证的心理治疗师。中文教学、中文考试、零基础科学。培训片简短精悍,也可以用于自我学习、自我疗愈、自我发展和自我成长。
Overcome ®提供经CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association是国际专业治疗师认证协会)认证的远程和定制的建议,通过累计仅仅几个小时的咨询,高效且有效地解决与心理健康相关的问题,成功率高达98%,并为您设计所向无敌的策略,给您提供生活、职场和商场中不公平的优势,使您终生受益。 (Overcome | 所向无敌的策略| 抑郁、焦虑、压力、睡眠障碍、心理健康、治疗、反向编程、重新编程| 神经语言编程| 理性情绪行为疗法| 成功| 自信)
Who this course is for:
- 希望非侵入方式自己掌握治疗抑郁焦虑的方法的患者
- 希望取得国际认证成为心理治疗师的人
- 希望拥有在家办公的副业或自由职业的人
- 希望取得社交媒体职业认证专业身份的博主或主播
- 创业者
- 希望掌握自我帮助、自我发展的心理治疗实用技巧的人
渡人渡己 Overcome ®提供经CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association是国际专业治疗师认证协会)认证的远程和定制的建议,通过累计仅仅几个小时的咨询,高效且有效地解决与心理健康相关的问题,成功率高达98%,并为您设计所向无敌的策略,给您提供生活、职场和商场中不公平的优势,使您终生受益。 (Overcome | 所向无敌的策略| 抑郁、焦虑、压力、睡眠障碍、心理健康、治疗、反向编程、重新编程| 神经语言编程| 理性情绪行为疗法| 成功| 自信)
Accredited by CTAA, we are the best, most efficient and most effective service provider on the market and the only one that is able to provide thorough solution to your problems.
Overcome is proud in dealing with stress, depression, anxiety, burnout, imposter syndrome and self-esteem/confidence issues for professionals including lawyers, bankers, accountants, doctors, executives, politicians, successful business people and high achieving students.
Overcome has a unique approach (“StraTECHieve”) , which is based on but beyond the only two proven science of therapies i.e. REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy) and NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming).
You may use your country's free national health services for counselling, or pay privately to expensive psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and coaches, and endlessly engage in healing, which can put you in sessions for years and years, drain your money and time but has no effect to fully solve your mental-health related problems.
Overcome solves your issues with unbeatable strategies and have an immediate effect just in a few sessions, after which you will get instant transformation and can use the strategies for almost everything in life as long as you apply them based on our advice. You will not need to come back for further advice.
Overcome has rich experiences and success in uplifting professionals and business people into a higher level in their life and career. Our strategies are based on science and have a 98% success rate. Talk to us to know more and transform.