Pardot Consultant Certification Practice Tests
In this test course, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Pardot Consultant Certification Exam. With 2 practice exams, both timed at 90 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test.
I have followed the official Pardot Exam Guide from Salesforce, along with the knowledge areas and corresponding weighting for each, so you can approach the actual Pardot Consultant Certification Exam with confidence.
Improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score, along with Section Level Feedback, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.
This is the only Salesforce Pardot Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback. Don't be fooled by non-certified instructors who are simply copying exam dumps they have found online and passing them off as their work.
You can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. I also provide links for additional study and reference.
I update this course to stay current with the latest release of Pardot.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone trying to take the Pardot Consultant Exam
I’m a marketing automation consultant with a strong background in creative strategy. I specialize in digital marketing, full cycle nurturing and technology empowerment for marketing and sales alignment.
Early in my career I worked with non-profits building the fundamentals of online organizing with a digital strategy; including modules on theory of change, email strategy, list growth and maintenance, and earned media campaigns.
I now work with B2B and B2C clients of all sizes helping them with their prospect engagement, campaign strategy, advanced segmentation, technology integrations, and execution.