(Oxford) Diploma : Mental health - eating disorder therapy
What you'll learn
- How the pursuit of healthy eating can have its pitfalls
- Causes of orthorexia
- Therapies available
- Eating disorders under the microscope
- Coping strategies for the individual
- The latest research on dealing with Eating Disorders
- None except a printer for the numerous Case Studies
- Time to reflect
This is a course about a major problem of healthy eating - eating disorder therapy - when the 'healthy' aspect become UNhealthy. There are two Instructors: Chris Sivewright and Johana Alandete.
Johana writes:
"I start by clarifying that I am not a health professional, I am not a doctor, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or anything like that. I am, in fact, a Master in Administration, a writer by passion, a singer, an actress and a comedian with my friends and family... In fact, I always dreamt of being a comedy actress. BUT mental issues are important for me, reason why I research a lot from science papers, books, experts, and people who lives with. I am also a person who has gone through a depression diagnosed as severe, according to my psychiatrist. The madness (that is what I called my depression), manifested itself after I developed an eating disorder that began in near anorexia-bulimia and mutated into an orthorexia (not yet included in the DSM-5). At first, I started removing certain foods from my diet (sugar, grease, carbs, process food, some fruits), until I was afraid to eat two leaves of lettuce because it was too much. When I was almost in the bones, the depression began... I isolated myself, became almost a zombie, a body without a soul and the histrionic Johana who used to speak so much, who was exaggerating everything as a joke, who loved to laugh out loud, had become only "something", a physical body that inhabited an empty space. I stopped being someone."
Orthorexia is an eating disorder that haven't been included yet on the DSM because is relative "new" in comparison with Bulimia, Anorexia and Binge Eating Disorder.
Vegans, Vegetarians, Fitness people, Athletes, often have this condition because is an absolutely control for what you eat and the way it was prepared.
How clean is, how many calories does it has, how many macros... if it has a any quantity of carbs and you have a dinner with your family, so you discount all the carbs in your day to drink a wine at night.
To social meetings use to take their own meals and the food becomes their whole world, triggering an absolutely stress to the point they start to isolate, feeling guilty all the time, feeling sad, their personal relationships collapse, their mind is a calculator of macros and calories to the point they don't think in anything else, they have purges like vomit, laxatives and the body begins to feel unbalanced, and the person begin to lack vitamins and minerals.
Also, they have binge, mostly of peanut butter and have a high intensity training everyday. Sometimes, when they feel ate "bad", because they ate for example, two cookies, so the go to the gym to do up to 3 or 4 hours of training.
Finally, this take the people to a severe depression and high levels of anxiety.
Johana writes: "I lived with the illness for 5 years and is not so "Nice". So, now in the social media era, where the teen and young adult users who spend the most time on Instagram, and other digital platforms, showed a substantially higher rate of depression (13 to 66 percent) than those who spend less time on their cell phones. Study by the Child Mind Institute 2017. Is absolutely important to be armored because the comparison between lives, bodies, success and all that things, are ruining our lives."
This includes Johana's articles from the website "Asunto de Mujeres" (Women Affairs).
Eating disorder therapy - orthorexia - obsession.
Topics covered in the 2024 update:
Therapeutic Options for Eating Disorders
1. Psychological Therapies
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Family-Based Therapy (FBT)
Maudsley Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA)
Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM)
2. Nutritional Education and Support
3. Medical Monitoring and Treatment
4. Medication
5. Support Groups and Peer Support
Coping Strategies for Individuals with Eating Disorders
1. Establishing a Support Network
2. Engaging in Therapy
3. Practicing Self-Care
4. Setting Realistic Goals
5. Utilizing Nutritional Guidance
Plus Case Studies and specific art therapy exercises written especially for people with an Eating Disorder.
Who this course is for:
- All who pursue healthy eating
- Anyone worried that they may have an Eating Disorder
- Any therapist who wishes to have new input on dealing with Eating Disorders
- A parent worried about their child/children as they suspect they have an eating disorder
- Any schoolteacher who needs to increase their knowledge about eating disorders
I currently volunteer for:
Different Strokes (Stroke charity) - Ambassador
Age UK - running a book club
Tandem (Befriending)
NHS - Culture liaison
NHS - interview panels
Sport in Mind - Support
Multiple Sclerosis - Support Worker
Trinity Learning - - visit Primary Schools
Oxford Recovery College - tutor
Horton Hospital - Hospital radio
Story Telling Museum - guide
43+ years experience teaching Economics, Business, Sociology, Politics and other subjects in schools, universities and other colleges - State and Private Sector. Appeared in 100+ films (including corporate training and fitness videos). 100+ books on Amazon. Featured by the BBC, Polish TV, The Times, The Telegraph and...The Sun.
Studied at:
· University of Oxford (Philosophy and Economics)
· Oxford Brookes (Teacher training)
· University of Glamorgan (Business and Economics)
· Professional qualifications at Masters level
· Business and Economics degree
· Examiner for four major examining boards, at ‘O’ and ‘A’ level.
· Three teaching diplomas plus CELTA
· Qualified fitness trainer
Key academic positions held:
· Principal Oxford School of Learning
· Director of Studies: St Joseph’s Hall, Oxford
· Head of Economics: Cherwell Tutors
· Head of Business and Economics: Pipers Corner School, Buckingham
Founder: Almost Random Theatre
Business and Economics background
Set up and ran Oxford Conferences and ran 50+ Business/Economics conferences at schools - all fees to charity
Amazon Business/Economics books include:
Titles include:
· Case studies for Business
· Time management for teachers
· Creativity techniques in Economics
· Drucker in Business Studies
· Creativity in Business
· Business calculations
· Further applications of de Bono
· Applying de Bono
· Philosophy Games
Taught students at the University of Oxford , Brookes University and schools in the state and independent sector
Principal of Oxford School of Learning for 15 years
Created OSL Training and trained Business, Psychology and Sociology teachers
Set up Marketing Education Services in the 1980s and sold cassette tape recordings of my lectures at the University of Oxford
Featured in The Times, The Telegraph, the BBC, ITV and Polish national television owing to the success of my teaching techniques and subsequent success of my students.
Ex-Buyer for a major car company
Psychology and Motivation background
Author of 100+ books on Amazon (mainly Business/Economics/Psychology) including:
· GCSE Psychology thru Mind Maps
· AS/A2 Psychology
· AS Psychology thru Mind Maps
· A2 Psychology thru Mind Maps
· Lifestyle Plan
· The Internet and Psychology
Through his own business OSL Training has run training courses for teachers of Psychology
Writer of several plays about death and appeared in films dealing with death
Theatre and Film Career
· 2012 - set up Almost Random Theatre.
· Since 2012 the theatre has delivered workshops in Scotland, Wales, Czech Republic and Poland as well as 15 schools in England.
· Chris has written/directed over 50 short and 3 one-Act plays that have subsequently been performed in London and Oxford.
· Scripts for three of his plays have been sold, via an Independent publisher, to schools in the UK.
· Course-creator/author of Coping with Old Age and Death - one person's perspective.
· He has also had plays put on - and performed in - Oxford and Brighton Fringes, London, Scotland and Wales.
· Chris has appeared in over 112 films.
Charity/Wellbeing work
· Ambassador for Heart UK
· Stoke Lead and member of Research panel for the Stroke Association
· Board member of Stroke Club UK
· Ambassador for Different Strokes (charity)
· Member of PHC (Public Health Collaboration) UK
· Author of 6-volume Lifestyle Manual
· Author of other Lifestyle books on Amazon
· Originator of the Holman Protocol
Nothing in any of Chris's courses should be interpreted as linking to or representing any of the above stroke organisations.
Almost Random Theatre is a theatre company started in 2012. After putting on plays at Oxford and Brighton fringes, taking actors to Poland and Czech Republic, selling plays to schools, putting on many short plays in Oxford, visiting 60+ schools and running 'drama days' it was decided to...slow down.
The theatre's main contribution now is helping with numerous Art Therapy courses.