
Open the doors to your professional success!

Free yourself from barriers of childhood and family history
Free tutorial
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 (571 ratings)
16,571 students
50min of on-demand video
English [Auto]

You will understand...
...why you may sabotage your own professional success
...why you may have permanent difficulties with authorities
...why you may not live your full potential as a leader
...why you may unnecessarily overwork yourself
...why you may be overstressed all the time
You will see and find new ways to change these issues!


  • The readiness to explore more of you, your childhood and family


Willpower and endeavor is not everything. Some people make many efforts and struggle very hard but somehow do not succeed.   

Stop pushing yourself even more! Instead understand the deeper reasons of failure – and find the path to unblock your energy and your full potential! Find out what was blocking you until now and start to dissolve it!   

In the last 20 years I worked with these issues and connections in many seminars. This course gives you the essential overview.   

You will get in   touch with new possibilities to reach the professional success you want. You   will learn about the barriers which are holding you back and are rooted in   the past.   

Learn why you   sabotage your own success. Understand why you may have permanent difficulties   with authorities. Know about reasons of permanent tensions, stress and   burnout.     

So that you find   a more relaxed way to the success you are longing for.

Feedback on udemy: “It was eye opening. I had epiphanies from listening to his teaching and guidance.” K.N.

“yes, it helped me to understand my situation and realized what I need to change it.” D. R.     

Who this course is for:

  • People who have difficulties to be successful in their profession
  • And these difficulties do not have (only) objective reasons


Therapeut, Trainer und Coach
Bertold Ulsamer
  • 4.6 Instructor Rating
  • 3,319 Reviews
  • 46,765 Students
  • 38 Courses

~* German Version below *~

PhD in law, certified clinical psychologist, NLP-trainer, trauma therapist (Peter Levine), originally from Germany. My strength is: Putting complicated psychological issues in a nutshell. Understandable for everyone - because the essence is simple! Moreover, I want my participants not only to get ahead theoretically, but also practically. Thus I set great value on them making new experiences and gaining new personal insights.

After graduating in law I also studied psychology. I quickly noticed that I way prefer working with humans to working with paragraphs. So I started to practice as a psychologist - initially with individuals, then mainly with groups. Together with a colleague I founded an institute for NLP in management trainin~* German Version below *~g. We developed and held many seminars about leadership, self-management and communication for customers like BMW, Siemens and Lufthansa.

In the 90’s I discovered the great influence of your own family of origin through the method of “family constellations”. Using this instrument I returned to working as a therapist and held seminars and trainings all over the world (e.g. in Australia, India, South Africa, Russia and the US).

Today I integrate everything I have learned working as a coach and therapist, for the last 9 years, oftentimes in China. I am the author of more than 20 books in the field of professional communication, self-management, family constellations and personal growth that have been translated into 10 languages.

If you are interested in the work I am doing then you may want to get information about my new courses and books. Inscribe you for my newsletter! And you will get reductions of some courses. You can do that on my website.

Dr. jur., Dipl.-Psychologe, NLP-Trainer, Traumatherapeut (Peter Levine). Meine Stärke ist: komplizierte psychologische Sachverhalte verständlich auf den Punkt bringen. Denn das Wesentliche ist im Grunde einfach! Und dann ist mir vor allem wichtig, dass Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer eigene Erfahrungen machen und neue Einsichten gewinnen statt nur in der Theorie schlauer zu werden!

Nach dem Jurastudium habe ich noch Psychologie studiert. Schnell habe ich gemerkt, dass mir Menschen lieber sind als Paragraphen. Habe dann mit einer kleinen Praxis angefangen, aber vor allem immer mit Gruppen gearbeitet. Ein Kollege und ich gründeten dann ein Institut für Management-Training, wo ich viele Seminare zu Führung, Kommunikation und Selbst-management durchführte für Kunden wie BMW, Lufthansa und Siemens. Mitte der 90er Jahre entdeckte ich die große Auswirkung der eigenen Familie im Hintergrund über die Methode Familienaufstellungen. Damit ging ich noch einmal in die therapeutische Richtung und führte Seminare und Fortbildungen in der ganzen Welt durchgeführt (z. B. in Australien, Indien, Südafrika, USA, Russland) Heute integriere ich all das, was ich bisher gelernt habe, und arbeite als Seminarleiter, Therapeut und Coach, seit zehn Jahren häufig in China. Ich bin Autor von 24 Büchern zu den Themen Kommunikation, Selbstmanagement und Aufstellungsarbeit, von denen es Übersetzungen in zehn Sprachen gibt. 

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