Microsoft Windows 8
Windows 8, MicrosoftÍs new innovative operating system, enhances everyday workflow.
Created by Learnit Anytime
What you'll learn
- Learn how to use Windows 8
- Basic PC Knowledge
Windows 8, Microsoft’s new innovative operating system, enhances everyday workflow and adds a universal option for tablets. Explore the look and functionality of the Windows 8 interface serving touchscreen-orientated tables along with traditional PC’s. Get to know the new Tiles and Apps Screen along with Jump list and Skydrive to list a few topics!
Who this course is for:
- Everyone
Self-Paced Online Training Videos
Learnit Anytime is an online training provider with over 27 years of experience teaching to millions of students, including industry leaders. Our self-paced E-Learning helps you gain new skills, quickly and conveniently. If you're serious about learning, we're serious about providing you with the best content for your learning needs.