LUMION & Complete training from beginner to expert!
What you'll learn
- - Workspace
- - Save and import models
- - Transform objects
- - Libraries
- - Materials
- - Landscape
- - Weather
- - Vegetation library
- - Photo mode
- - Movie mode
- - Artificial lights
- - New animated phasing effect
- - 360 Panorama mode
- - Post-production in Photoshop
- - 5 advices for a better render
- We will have to start with a basic knowledge of the Windows environment as well as the use of modeling software
In this LUMION course we will start from an initiation level to finish finishing the course by mastering the program at an expert level. And this is not just words. We will do it. I have put all my effort and knowledge to achieve this goal. There is just one will have to finish the course.
We will learn all the tools of LUMION 11 such as: libraries, materials, landscape, weather, animations, sunlight, fx effects, animated phasing, post-production and much more. It is a very complete course equivalent to 20 teaching hours where theory and practice go hand in hand through numerous exercises that will increase in complexity as more knowledge is acquired. It is designed to end with an expert knowledge about LUMION that will allow us to face any project successfully, no matter how complex it may be.
My way of teaching consists of first explaining the theory of the tools, so that later the student can repeat the same steps that are shown in the videos and is able to master the program. Likewise, exercises are proposed at the end of each module and a final exercise to definitively learn to use LUMION correctly.
LUMION is a rendering program that has revolutionized the 3D viewing software market due to its ease of use, as well as the speed and quality of its renderings. It is a program designed for architects, urban planners, landscapers, engineers, draftsmen, surveyors, interior designers, product designers and actually any professional in the design sector. It stands out, unlike other rendering programs for its intuitive interface and for the fact that it performs a preview of the render in real time, which allows working with a deep knowledge of how my transformations affect the model the moment they are applied.
Who this course is for:
- Students or professionals in fields such as architecture, interior design, landscaping, urban planning or product design
Hola a tod@s,
Mi nombre es Manuel Pallarés. Soy arquitecto por la universidad de Alcalá de Henares y la Sapienza de Roma. Después de terminar mis estudios y trabajar en diferentes estudios me especialicé en diseño gráfico a través de un master en la escuela Artes Creactivas de Madrid, donde también empezó mi andadura como profesor. Al terminar el master resultó que necesitaban un profesor para el módulo de Photoshop, Indesign e Illustrator y allí estaba yo.
Desde entonces mi actividad profesional ha estado ligada tanto a proyectos creativos de diferente índole (diseño editorial, diseño gráfico, paisajismo, arquitectura...), pero siempre he tenido un pie en la enseñanza.
He trabajado como docente en la universidad Superior de Diseño de Valladolid (ESI). También a día de hoy trabajo como profesor en la Escuela Artes Creativas de Madrid e imparto cursos en el espacio cultural de La casa Encendida, en Madrid
La verdad es que me encanta enseñar! Supone una gran satisfacción transmitir tus conocimientos a otra persona y además nosotros los profes también aprendemos, ya que si quieres explicar algo bien, uno lo tiene que tener muuuy claro. Me tomo la enseñanza de una manera muy seria. Se lo importante que es un buen profesor en un momento determinado.
Espero que mi pasión por enseñar llegue hasta vosotros a través de estos cursos online y me declaro a vuestra disposición para todo lo que necesitéis.
Hello everyone,
My name is Manuel Pallarés. I am an architect from the University of Alcalá de Henares and the Sapienza in Rome. After finishing my studies and working in different studios, I specialized in graphic design through a master's degree at the Artes Creactivas school in Madrid, where I also began my career as a teacher. At the end of the master it turned out that they needed a teacher for the Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator module and there I was.
Since then my professional activity has been linked both to creative projects of different kinds (editorial design, graphic design, landscaping, architecture ...), but I have always had one foot in teaching.
I have worked as a teacher at the Universidad Superior de Diseño de Valladolid (ESI). Also today I work as a teacher at the Creative Arts School of Madrid and I teach courses in the cultural space of La casa Encendida, in Madrid.
The truth is that I love teaching! It is a great satisfaction to transmit your knowledge to another person and also we teachers also learn, because if you want to explain something well, you have to be very clear about it. I take teaching very seriously. I know how important a good teacher is at any given time.
I hope that my passion for teaching reaches you through these online courses and I declare myself at your disposal for everything you need.
A cordial greeting,
Manuel Pallares