
Improve your health - improve your life

Improve your overall health, feel more energised, productive and perform better in life with a healthy lifestyle.
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Rating: 4.7 out of 5 (32 ratings)
1,659 students
57min of on-demand video

Stress and depression prevention
How to develop good sleeping habits
Nutrition for health, including why fruit and veg is important and avoiding dysglycaemia
Exercising for health
Looking after your back
Cigarettes and Alcohol
Cancer prevention
Cancer - checking yourself for men and women
Diabetes prevention
Heart disease prevention


  • none


Learn how to flourish in life with a healthy lifestyle. Health is not merely the absence of disease. It is about feeling good. With a few simple changes to your exercise, nutrition and stress reduction, your lifestyle could be much improved, reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. Reduce the risk of mental health issues such as depression. Move better to avoid chronic back pain. Be more productive in work and at home. Learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. Learn how to improve the quality of your life as well as adding years to your life.

Do you know how to eat for optimal health? How much exercise you really need? Do you know what free radicals are, how they can cause cancer and how you can prevent them with the right diet? Learn techniques to help stave of anxiety, depression and mental health issues. Do you sleep well at night and wake up energised every day? If not, this course is for you. Learn how to improve your sleep and why it really matters.

Did you know that back pain is the main reason people are absent from work these days? Learn how to prevent back pain with some easy daily changes to your life. As you get older, your risk of back pain increases. Reduce this risk as early as you can.

Learn how to check yourself for lumps and bumps which could be breast or testicular cancer and what to do if you think you might have found something.

Risk of everything increases as you age. Reduce that risk now and learn how to live a long and happy life.

Who this course is for:

  • Suitable for those who want to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
  • Especially people who are keen to function better on a daily basis and be more productive.
  • Businesses looking to reduce absenteeism and boost productivity


UK Lead Sport Scientist and Coach
Colin Thomas
  • 4.7 Instructor Rating
  • 109 Reviews
  • 3,098 Students
  • 2 Courses

Colin is a Lead Physiologist in the UK, a Sports Scientist, UKA Running Coach and Personal Trainer tutor/assessor who works with athletes from beginner to elite, all over the world. He is also a tutor at the Institute of Sport. He has regular visits to Kenya, with some of the world's top athletes and coaches, training at altitude in their quest to reach the top. He has also worked in hospitals, gyms, clinics and fitness centres all over the UK with the general public, amateur and professional sports people, all with the similar aim of improving performance. As a keen running enthusiast himself he is always looking to trial new ways of pushing the limits of human performance. He is a regular speaker at conferences in the UK and abroad, and his written articles are regularly published in running magazines.

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