Learning Spanish with Ana 1
What you'll learn
- Greetings in Spanish
- Expressing your nationality
- Saying your name
- Saying your occupation
- Making interrogative and negative sentences in Spanish
- Verbs in present tense
- Numbers
- Verbos ser y estar (to be)
- Describing physical appearances
- Describing feelings
- Essential Spanish grammar in use
- Nothing special. Grammatical references are very simple
- Interest in Spanish
This is a Spanish course for beginners. The concepts we work with are essential if you want to study the second most spoken language in the world.
This course includes 15 videos than can really help you and extra materials for each lesson. You can find information related to the way of greeting, and talking about your nationality, age and occupation. After the course you would be able to introduce yourself in Spanish and to learn a lot of new words. So it is a must if you want to start meeting new friends or if you want to travel all over the world and to feel more and more self secure. It is a great chance!
The course begins with some considerations, and after we work with Spanish in common uses. There is no time to lose, get started now!
Who this course is for:
- Everyone who wants to learn Spanish
- People who want to study Spanish
- English speakers
Profesora de inglés y español. Adicta a las nuevas tecnologías y a sus múltiples posibilidades, enseño mediante cursos y clases presenciales. Tengo en marcha mi propio blog sobre idiomas que podéis consultar. Mi método de enseñanza es claro y sencillo. Si prestas atención a las claves que te muestro en mis sencillos videos podrás mejorar rápidamente. Pero recuerda que un idioma requiere un poco de tu parte, algo sencillo. Dedícale al inglés unos pocos minutos al día y lograrás progresos. La clave de aprender es la constancia.