Learn Effective Mobile Marketing
What you'll learn
- Understand the Mobile Landscape
- Create a Clear Marketing Startegy
- Target Segments
- Measure Your Campaign
- A general understanding of the Mobile Principles
- A general Internet knowledge
"Learn Effective Mobile Marketing" course will help you to understand how users engage with mobile, create a clear marketing strategy, target segment and measure your campaigns.
With the massive growth of smartphones, mobile has become a significant and diverse media marketing channel. With more and more consumer time spent with mobile devices, how can brands find engagement? Whilst there are many opportunities, there are also a diverse range of technologies to deliver these - from messaging to apps, from mobile web to image recognition. This course provides an in-depth understanding of these channels and how they can be used in brand marketing and advertising.
Who this course is for:
- Marketing Professionals
- Business Owners
- Digital Marketing Agencies
- Digital Marketing Students
Oxford Learning Lab is an online provider of Marketing & Business Strategy education.
All the courses have been created under the supervision of Oxford College of Marketing, a Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) centre of excellence. Each course has been developed in collaboration with leading experts who have a proven academic or consultancy experience in their field. You can find them working on MBA and University programs with establishments like Wharton, Madrid, Cranfield, Warwick, Aston and Portsmouth to mention just a few. Some of them consult for FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies.
Our courses have been created to help you to quickly grasp complex marketing concepts, from Marketing Planning and Segmentation to Social Media Marketing and Analytics, to mention a few.
All the courses are divided into bite-size chunks of information which are easy to absorb. This means if you do not have enough time, you will find that by dipping in and out of the videos a few minutes each day, whenever you can, your understanding of marketing will be transformed.