
Knowledge Management Tools for SMEs

Learn about a variety of Knowledge Management Tools for SMEs and how they can enhance SMEs' performance.
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Rating: 4.7 out of 5 (554 ratings)
15,855 students
1hr 12min of on-demand video
English [Auto]

At the end of this course the participants shall be aware of the various KM tools that exist
understand, evaluate and apply these tools into daily routine


  • To make the most of the course you shuold have a mindset of a "dynamic SME" actively seeking to develop and sustain competitve advantage
  • It would be helpful to have some basic knowledge on the challenges of managing SMEs
  • All material will be provided
  • Specific software is not required


Target groups for this course on Knowledge Management (KM) tools for SMEs are students, practitioners from SMEs and SME support institutions, trainers, consultants, coaches and all other people interested in innovative SME management.

Various KM tools exist to manage knowledge effectively within a company. By bringing together all the information available in a systematic manner, knowledge is capable, when managed and utilized as an important organizational asset, to significantly augment people's output and efficiency.

The course on KM tools for SMEs will consist of eight sections and 24 lectures. The first section will serve as an introduction to the course including a short presentation concerning the course layout and the course objectives. Moreover, the first section shall give a general overview on the area of KM and various KM toolsets. After the lectures of the first section, a quiz has to be taken to test the basic concepts on KM toolkits.

Subsequent lectures will present each week one of the KM tools: Competence Matrix, International Communication, Lessons Learned, Idea Competitions, Business Intelligence and finally Knowledge Market.

The sections covering the KM tools each consist of one video, a written documentation on how to implement the respective tool. Subsequently, a case study is presented at the end, in which students see how this tool can be applied in practice. External resources or downloadable material for further reading will be provided. Quizzes will test the participants know how.

KM is particularly of great importance for SMEs as they are stronger influenced by increasing global competition, fast shifts in technology, economic uncertainties, times of instability and market turbulences than bigger enterprises.

In this respect, offering valuable information about KM tools can help SMEs to understand, evaluate and apply these tools into their daily routine and in particular during turbulent times.

Who this course is for:

  • employees from SMEs
  • people interested in innvoative SME management
  • SME support institutions, trainers, consultants, coaches


Dynamic SME
  • 4.7 Instructor Rating
  • 554 Reviews
  • 15,855 Students
  • 1 Course

The Project Dynamic SME started in April 2011 and is designed to run for four years with support of the Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) within the seventh European Community Framework Programme. The project's core objective is to test the network approach for a sustainable competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) under turbulent economic and social conditions.

A group of international students participating in this project have contributed in creating the videos explaining the different tools. Please see credits at end of video for participants.

Klaus North
  • 4.7 Instructor Rating
  • 554 Reviews
  • 15,855 Students
  • 1 Course

Dr. Klaus North is Professor of International Management at Wiesbaden
Business School, Germany. His current research covers knowledge and
innovation management, particularly know how transfer within and
between enterprises in an international context. He was founding president
of the German Knowledge Management Association and was scientific
director of the German Knowledge Management Award. He frequently
consults with major firms, governments and international organizations and
teaches regularly in business programmes internationally.

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