Jump-start Google Sheets, Forms and Apps Script
What you'll learn
- Use Google sheets to build and automate your work
- Create 2 real life projects using Apps Script, forms and sheets prebuilt and custom functions
- Send tasks to your team and collect feedback.
- Send your forms and tasks via emails with a click.
- Create visual conditional formatting to help you take decisions and follow up tasks
- Log tasks feedback and send updates from within your spreadsheet.
- Moreover, create your visual easy-to-use filters.
- An internet access to google and chrome
- We will show you how to start a Google free account to access free online Google Sheets and creative tools
This course will take you from wherever you are in your experience with Google Sheets, Forms, and Apps Script to automate your work on google sheets so it assists your personal or professional productivity. Even if you have never used google sheets before or you don't have a Google account, in few minutes you will create a jump-start. This course teaches you with practical examples that we shall build together in an easy and efficient way most of the secrets of the Forms so you can send tasks with full fledged information set and links to your friends or team. Then, you will be able to collect, store and process their feedback. Even you can send updates and replies without losing track of any the previous replies or updates. It is all like opening a toolbox full of potentials where all its tools will be easy for you to use and apply. Building 2 real life stimulates your creativity to continuously update your work processes and do not allow premade apps to be your limits. If you were ever curious about how to create survey forms, receive, log and analyze the feedback. You will learn all these topics and more. You will learn how to create visual feedback of the recorded or auto collected data.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone interested in boosting his productivity
- Who wants to efficiently use Google Sheets
- Who wants to efficiently use Google forms, make surveys and receive feedback
- Who wants to efficiently use Scripts or Apps Scripts and triggers with Google sheets
I intend to share what I had learnt through 25 Years of setting up and managing maintenance and projects at different industrial organizations. Those organizations varied in size so I worked by myself, led a team of 10 and of 100 members including experts in the industry.
This hands on experience is supported by Maintenance Management Certifications: CMRP -Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional- from SMRP-USA and MMP -Maintenance Management Professional- from PEMAC-CANADA and Project Management Certification: PMP -Project Management Professional- from PMI-USA.
Since I had worked hand in hand, discussed closely and fulfilled the needs of all the levels of the organizations I had worked in from the newest shop floor technicians to CEO's, I have a clear vision what each level want from a Maintenance Manager or a supervisor. It is great if you can give each one what he needs to know so he can make his job. That's the role of a manager. Management is to guide your team to fulfill the organization vision. The organizations scale of business varies and so does the way business is done but the foundational building blocks are the same. Those are the gems of the true management.
أحببت مشاركة ما تعلمته خلال 25 عامًا من إنشاء وإدارة الصيانة والمشاريع في الشركات الصناعية المختلفة. منها شركات صغيره و شركات عملاقه ،
وقد تدرجت عبر رحلتي منذ تخرجي إلي كان من ضمن مهام عملي قيادة فريق صيانه مكون من أكثر من مائة عضو
هذه الخبرة العملية مدعومة بشهادات إدارة الصيانة:
CMRP - محترف الصيانة والموثوقية المعتمد - من SMRP-USA
و MMP- محترف إدارة الصيانة- من PEMAC-CANADA
وشهادة إدارة المشاريع: PMP - محترف إدارة المشاريع - من PMI-USA.
نظرًا لأنني عملت جنبًا إلى جنب وناقشت عن كثب ولبيت احتياجات جميع مستويات الشركات التي عملت فيها من الفنيين إلى الرؤساء التنفيذيين ، فلدي رؤية واضحة لما يريده كل مستوى من هذه المستويات . إنه لأمر رائع أن تمنح كل فرد ما يحتاج إلى معرفته حتى يتمكن من أداء وظيفته بشكل ممتاز. هذا هو دور المدير. الإدارة هي توجيه فريقك لتحقيق رؤية الشركه. يختلف حجم عمل الشركات وبالتالي الطريقة التي تتم بها الأعمال ولكن الركائز الأساسية للإداره لا تتغير. هذه هي أسرار الإدارة الحقيقية.