Japanese Language Teacher Training Program < Lesson 1 >
What you'll learn
- Be able to understand word order and linguistic types.
- Be able to understand context dependency of Japanese.
- Be able to understand characteristics of Japanese language.
- Be helpful for obtain a Japanese language teacher license.
- Be helpful for the preparation for Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test
- Be helpful to acquire skills for being a qualified Japanese teacher
- Before learning, download the prior learning textbook and prepare before viewing the class.
- It is recommended that the supplementary reader be download, and used as a reference when taking the class. It is also used for reviewing.
- The class is taught entirely in Japanese. Foreign learners whose native language is not Japanese must need Japanese proficiency with the equivalent of the JLPT N1.
- This course is for training Japanese language teachers. For those wanting to study Japanese, the courses below are offered. (Beginner Course:Kanji Course:N5 Course:N4 Course:N3 Course:N2 Course)
“Japanese Language Teacher Training Program” is a course for people who teach the Japanese language. This course is also helpful for people who want to improve their Japanese and are already at the JLPT N1 level. It is highly recommended to those who aim to obtain a Japanese language teacher license.
This course includes the characteristics of the Japanese language, pronunciation, grammar, linguistics, teaching method, and business Japanese teaching methods. It will help you to acquire skills for being a qualified Japanese teacher. It consists of 10 lessons.
---------------------全10課の案内(All 10 lessons)--------------------
・第1課 日本語の特徴(講師:高見澤 孟)
Lesson 1 Characteristics of the Japanese language(Instructor: Hajime Takamizawa)
Master “word order and linguistic types”, “context dependency of Japanese”
and “characteristics of Japanese”.
・第2課 日本語の発音(講師:池田 悠子)
Lesson 2 Japanese Pronunciation(Instructor: Yuko Ikeda)
「CV構造 母音と子音カ行~ザ行」、「CV構造 子音タ行~ワ行」と「特殊構造」の習得
Master “the CV structure – vowels and consonants of the カ row to ザ row”, “the CV structure – consonants of the タrow to ワ row”and“special structures”.
・第3課 日本語文法1(講師:鯉渕 裕子)
Lesson 3 Japanese Grammar 1(Instructor: Yuko Koibuchi)
Master “Grammar in Japanese education for foreign students and grammar in Japanese education for Japanese students, introductory order of sentence patterns, nominal sentences, and adjectival sentences”, “Verbal sentences”, and “Quantifiers, Counters and Adverbs”
・第4課 日本語文法2(講師:鯉渕 裕子)
Lesson 4 Japanese Grammar 2(Instructor: Yuko Koibuchi)
「指示 詞、オノマトぺ」、「助詞、敬語」、「主語と主題、自動詞と他動詞、学習者の誤用例」の習得
Master “demonstrative pronouns and onomatopoeias”, “particles and keigo (honorific expressions)", and “subjects and topics, intransitive and transitive verbs, examples of mistakes by students”.
・第5課 日本語文法3(講師:鯉渕 裕子)
Lesson 5 Japanese Grammar 3(Instructor: Yuko Koibuchi)
Master “tense and aspect”, “mood (modality)”, and “voice (passive, potential, causative and causative Passive)”
・第6課 ビジネス日本語の教え方(講師: 高見澤 孟)
Lesson 6 How to teach Business Japanese(Instructor: Hajime Takamizawa)
Master “the aim of business Japanese”, “business Japanese learners”, and “the theory of language teaching”.
・第7課 日本語の表記・表現(講師:池田 悠子)
Lesson 7 Japanese Notations and Expressions(Instructor: Yuko Ikeda)
Master “hiragana and katakana”, “Kanji”, and “important points when writing a sentence”
・第8課 コミュニケーション理論と指導(講師:藤谷 克己)
Lesson 8 Communication Theory and Instruction(Instructor: Katsumi Fujitani)
Master “What is communication”, “verbal and nonverbal communication”, “Cross-culture Communication”.
・第9課 指導法各論(講師:阿曽村 陽子)
Lesson 9 Particular Theories of Teaching Methods(Instructor: Yoko Asomura)
Master “making lesson plans and various teaching methods”.
(1:How to write a lesson plan & grammar teaching methods. 2:Grammar and pronunciation teaching methods. 3:Listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and kanji teaching methods.)
・第10課 第二言語習得理論(講師:加藤 好崇)
Lesson 10 Theory of Second-language Acquisition(Instructor: Yoshitaka Kato)
Master “input, interaction and output”, “focus on form”, and “communication behavior in real contact situations”.
This is lesson 1 “Characteristics of the Japanese language”.
This lesson is divided into 3 parts: “word order and linguistic types”, “context dependency of Japanese” and “characteristics of Japanese”.
The instructor is Professor Hajime Takamizawa. A prior learning textbook and a supplementary reader is attached. You can print them and use it for preparation and review.
高見澤 孟 Hajime Takamizawa
城西国際大学大学院人文科学研究科 博士課程 特任教授
大手前大学、大連交通大學、紹興秀越外語大學、瀋陽大學 客員教授
NPO法人 国際教育開発協会 理事長
一般社団法人 応用日本語教育協会 会長
米国国務省日本語研修所 主任教官
昭和女子大学 大学院 博士課程専任教授(2007年退職)
日本文学科 学科長、 国際教育部長 歴任
米国国務省公認試験官(日本語) 1975~1992年
英国外務省公式試験官(日本語) 1981~現在
学習院大学政経学部経済学科 卒業
米国国務省言語教育研究所 上級言語指導コース修了
“Business Japanese 1”(凡人社)
“Business Japanese 2”(グロビュー)
『弁公室日語』(外研社 中国 北京)
『標準商務日語会話 1, 2』(外研社 中国 北京)
『世界の言語教授・指導法』(監訳) 東京書籍
“Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching”
(second Edition) by Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rogers
Cambridge University Press 2001
日本語教育学会 理事8年 評議委員16年(規定任期満了)
研修委員長8年 評価委員 3年
Who this course is for:
- Japanese learners who want to become Japanese language teachers.
- Non-Japanese learners who want to become Japanese language teachers. (Can understand JLPT N1 level Japanese).
- Learners who want to become business Japanese language teachers.
- Learners who want to acquire Japanese language teaching qualifications
- Learners who want to take the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test.
- Students enrolled in a Japanese language school or majoring in Japanese in college
- International students coming to Japan
- Personnel in charge of Japanese education for overseas expansion of Japanese companies.
- Personnel in charge of teaching Japanese to foreigners working in Japan.
- If you want to find a job related to Japanese language abroad.
The courses we offer on Udemy are excerpts of our AOJ Language School courses. AOJ Language School (Attain Online Japanese Language School) is an Online Japanese language school. You can access to our high-quality Japanese learning Live Classes and Video Classes from anywhere in the world. You will be able to access to our Video Class 24 hours a day. 90 minutes Live classes are held twice a week. Our Live Class is in in small group. You can participate in classes anywhere with the internet connection. You can also access to the recorded lectures even if you are absent. AOJ Language School provides high quality Japanese learning to those who want to learn Japanese all over the world. We do not require an admission fee to make it easier for you to continue studying and you can choose to pay the tuition fee monthly. We also offer “Full support to pass JLPT N2”. Even if you start learning as a beginner, you can acquire JLPT N2 level Japanese in a minimum of 2 years. AOJ will fully support your learning Japanese until you pass JLPT N2.
Besides group lessons, we also provide private lessons to meet individual student's needs.
UdemyではAOJランゲージスクールの教材の一部を提供しています。AOJランゲージスクールはオンラインで学ぶ日本語学校です。ライブ授業とオンデマンド授業学習により、世界のどこからでも、高品質な日本語学習にアクセスできます。ネット環境のある場所さえあればどこでも授業に参加できます。24時間いつでもオンデマンド授業を受講することが可能です。ライブ授業は少人数制であり、授業の時間に都合が合わず欠席した場合でも、録画された授業にアクセスできます。世界中の日本語を学びたい方に向けて、良質な日本語学習を届けます。学習が続けやすいよう、当校では入学金は不要とし、授業料は手頃で毎月払いも選べます。日本への進学や就職を支援する、相談窓口を設けています。初心者から学び始めても最短2年でJLPT N2レベルの日本語が取得できます。JLPT N2を合格するまで、AOJが完全にあなたの日本語学習をサポートします。
AOJ日语语言学校在Udemy上公开的课程为我校课程的其中一部分。AOJ日语语言学校(Attain Online Japanese Language School)是一所在线学习的日语语言学校。 我们通过直播课和录播课的方式,不管您在世界的哪个角落,都能体验到高质量的日语教育。您可以每天24小时随时都可以观看录播课。90分钟直播课每周两节。直播课是小班制授课。只要有网络,不管身在何处都能进入课堂。即使难以在上课时间准时参加,也可以日后通过课程录像进行学习。AOJ日语语言学校面向全世界的日语学生提供高质量的日语学习课程。为了能让更多人轻松学到日语,本校不收取入学金,而且学费也可以选择按月支付。学校设有专门的咨询窗口,为学生提供来日的升学和就业支援。我校还向所有在校生提供JLPT N2合格的全力支援制度。这个制度可以帮助初学者在最短2年内从零基础达到JLPT N2水平。在JLPT N2合格之前,AOJ会对您整个日语学习过程中提供全程的支援。
Tại Udemy, chúng tôi cung cấp một phần tài liệu học tập của trường Ngôn Ngữ AOJ. Trường Ngôn Ngữ AOJ là trường dạy học tiếng Nhật bằng hình thức online. Học viên có thể kết nối các giờ học tiếng Nhật chất lượng cao được chia thành Giờ Học Live và Giờ Học Video, từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. Giờ Học Video có thể học mọi lúc. Giờ Học Live được tổ chức bằng hình thức lớp học ít người. Chỉ cần có kết nối internet, học viên có thể tham gia vào lớp học từ bất cứ nơi đâu. Học viên cũng có thể kết nối vào giờ học đã được thu lại do vắng mặt.
Trường Ngôn Ngữ AOJ cung cấp việc học tiếng Nhật chất lượng cao cho tất cả những ai muốn học tiếng Nhật từ mọi nơi trên thế giới. Để học viên có thể dễ dàng theo học, chúng tôi không yêu cầu phí nhập học và học viên có thể thanh toán học phí theo từng tháng. Bên cạnh đó, nhà trường còn cung cấp chế độ “Hỗ trợ toàn diện thi đỗ N2”. Cho dù học viên bắt đầu học từ trình độ 0, sẽ vẫn có thể đạt được trình độ JLPT N2 trong vòng ít nhất 2 năm. Nhà trường sẽ hỗ trợ việc học của học viên cho đến khi học viên đạt được chứng chỉ JLPT N2.