(ISC)²网络安全认证(CC)练习考试 - ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)
通过我们完整的练习考试,包括 100+100 道真实的练习题,帮助您准备 (ISC)² 网络安全认证(CC)考试并获得信心,从而启动您的网络安全职业生涯。
每个考试都是按照真实考试的官方格式组成的,并且有相同数量的问题(100). 所有问题都是由成功参加并通过考试的网络安全专家精心设计的,并由经验丰富的教授审核。
(ISC)² CC认证了网络安全知识的基础,在全世界范围内得到认可。请查看我们的西班牙语版本的 (ISC)² 网络安全认证(CC)练习考试。
(ISC)²目前正在发放网络安全认证 (CC) 免费优惠券。这些免费优惠券包括免费的在线培训课程和官方的 Pearson Vue考试。您可以按照下面的说明来领取这一有限的优惠。不要错过让您公司团队获得这一基础性认证的机会。
▹ 问题与真实考试相似
问题的语气和格式与真实考试相同(这与 (ISC)² 的准备考试和测验不同)。
请注意:在撰写本文时,真正 CC 考试的一些问题涉及到 (ISC)² 学习指南中没有正确解释的主题。目前,我们的准备考试是唯一可以帮助您解决这些问题的学习资源。这些问题是以星号(★)标记的。
这些问涉及到 CC 课程的所有领域,并与考试的相对比重相同。
第1章 - 安全原则(26+23题)
第2章 - 业务连续性 (BC)、灾难恢复 (DR)和事故响应概念(11 + 11题)
第3章 - 访问控制概念(12 + 12题)
第4章 - 网络安全 (33 + 37 题)
第5章 - 安全运营 (18 + 19 题)
▹ 每个问题有其详细解释
▹ 高质量的相关问题
考试问题由经验丰富的教授编写和审查,然后由亲自参加过 CC 考试的网络安全专家进一步审查,以进一步保证质量和相关性。
▹ 在整个考试过程中保持完全的控制
这些练习考试将帮助您亲身感受到真实考试是什么样的。唯一不同的是,在正式考试中,"回溯导航 "(Back Navigation)是禁用的,这意味着您不能回溯并复习您已经回答的问题。
考试时间:120 分钟
考试内容:100 道选择题(每题只有一个正确答案),每题 1 分
成功通过分数:70/100 分
(ISC)²正在赠送网络安全认证(CC)在线培训和官方的 Pearson Vue 认证考试的免费优惠劵。要获得这一有限的免费培训和认证,请按以下步骤进行:
(将下面的网址复制到您的浏览器中,并删除 [ ] )
1. 在 (ISC)² 官方网站创建账户:进入 (https://my[.]isc2[.]org/login/SelfRegister) 或用您的 (ISC)² 账户登录 (https://www[.]isc2[.]org/?checkmem=true);
2. 成为一名 (ISC)² 的候选人:填写表格 (https://my[.]isc2[.]org//Candidate-Application-Form);
3. 报名参加在线培训:使用您的账户(https://enroll[.]isc2[.]org/cart?action=viewcart);
4. 复制优惠代码:在这个页面(https://my[.]isc2[.]org/Candidate-Benefits/1MCC-exam-instructions);
5. 在 Pearson Vue 注册您的考试:进入 (https://home[.]pearsonvue[.]com/isc2),使用第4步的优惠券代码购买考试,这样可以获得 100% 的折扣。
通过考试后,您必须支付 50 美元的 (ISC)² 年费,以获得认证;
考试只能在授权的 Pearson Vue 中心进行;
(ISC)² 培训材料可使用180天。
如果您对质量不满意,无论什么原因,都有 30 天的退款保证。
Who this course is for:
- 准备通过 ISC2 网络安全认证(CC)考试的学生
- 来自非 IT 背景的专业人士,希望熟悉 CC 考试的题型
- 任何希望从事网络安全工作并希望评估自己知识水平的人
I am an Associate Professor of Information Systems at the School of Engineering of the University of Lisbon.
My lectures on Information Systems and Software Engineering have earned me multiple teaching excellence awards. Over the years, I have sought to inspire thousands of students to become better professionals. I demystify theoretical aspects with practical applications drawn from my experience and proven track record (of 25+ years) in the industry, in a fun and interactive way.
Aside from my passion for systems reliability and safety, I also became known as a specialist in cyber-physical systems, real-time data processing, and privacy in data processing.
▶︎ Visit my personal web page or Linkedin profile for more details
✪ Recipient of multiple teaching excellence awards
✪ 2 Books published
✪ Guest Lecturer in the Privacy in Information Systems courses at the University of Lisbon
✪ Researcher in Information Security and Privacy
✪ 40+ MSc students successfully instructed and counseled
✪ 50+ Research papers co-authored and published
✪ PECB Certified ISO27001 Lead Implementer
✪ PECB Certified ISO27701 Lead Implementer
✪ IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E)
✪ IAPP Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT)
✪ IAPP Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
✪ (ISC)² Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
✪ (ISC)² Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)
Andree Miranda MSc is a Senior Cybersecurity Trainer responsible for designing and implementing Red Bull's Global Security Awareness Program, overseeing initiatives in more than 180 countries. He has proven technical expertise as evidenced by his prestigious certifications, including the (ISC)² Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Information Privacy Management certifications. Throughout his career, he has been a mentor to new professionals, guiding them to a successful cybersecurity career, and has developed innovative, widely acclaimed cybersecurity workshops.
▶︎ For more about me, check out my LinkedIn
✪Certified Information Systems Security Professional by ISC2
✪ Certified in Cybersecurity by ISC2
✪ Certified Ethical Hacker by EC-Council
✪ Certified Azure Security Engineer by Microsoft
✪ Certified Security+ by CompTIA
I work as a translator and interpreter in four different languages: English, (Mandarin) Chinese, Portuguese and French.
Born and raised in Beijing, I completed all levels of the Intensive Chinese course at Beijing Language and Culture University, and also passed the highest level (6) of the HSK Chinese Proficiency Test. Throughout my time in China, I became deeply familiar with the Chinese education system and how Chinese students learn and study.
I enjoy learning about IT and technology topics. Recently, I became interested in Cybersecurity, primarily due to its interplay with the human and social dimensions.
✪ HSK Chinese Proficiency Test (level 6)
✪ Bachelor in Language Sciences from the University of Lisbon
✪ Years of experience working with Chinese companies
✪ HSK汉语水平考试(6级)
✪ 里斯本大学的语言科学学士
✪ 多年与中国公司合作的经验