Introduction to Sparx Enterprise Architect
What you'll learn
- Introduction to the basic functionality of the modeling tool Sparx Enterprise Architect
- Learn modeling concepts like diagrams, packages elements and connectors
- Introduction to modeling in a repository based environment
- Create and publish models in various formats
- Sparx Enterprise Architect (trial version) installed on a computer
- Basic introduction to modeling languages like UML, BPMN and Mindmapping
In this introduction on Sparx Enterprise Architect you will get an overview of the functionalities available. It is a starting point for creating models in various modeling languages, it describes how you can turn the tool in a repository. Other subjects explained in this course are publishing modeling documents, security, working in teams and maximize your efficency when modeling.
This training is relevant for everybody who wants to make a jumpstart in modeling with Enterprise Architect. The training is modeling language agnostic.
The course will cover all the relevant subjects in modeling. For example creating diagrams, structure your content in a repository based on packages and subpackages. Create diagrams and link elements together between various diagrams and create a navigation for your model readers
Furthermore publish the content of your models in various formats like documents and html pages. In the last section we will discuss some extra features like security, authorization, baselines and collaboration.
This training will show you the powerful set of functionalities available in Sparx Enterprise Architect that offers for every type of modelers the opportunity to create models for their own context and stakeholders. After this training you can start your one models and diagrams with Sparx Enterprise Architect and create models for your stakeholders.
Who this course is for:
- Modelers interested in using Sparx Enterprise Architect
- Novice Sparx Enterprise Architect Users overwhelmed by the functionalities availabe
Bert is an independent information architect. Bert has a software engineering background and specializes in data architecture and big data, SOA and system integration, data and object modeling. Bert has a passion for architecture repositories in general and Sparx Enterprise Architect in particular. He is working on a number of applications for Enterprise Architect such as an AddOn for data modeling and the web publication platform for Sparx Enterprise Architect.