Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java
What you'll learn
- Be able to know and implement various data structures and algorithms
- Be able to write your own algorithms and understand if their running time is good or bad
- Although any programming language may be used by the student, we use the java programming language to implement algorithms.
This course introduces some basic data structures (arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and heaps) and algorithms (various sorting algorithms, and algorithms for operations on binary search trees and heaps). We will also cover recursion in this course. Use of graphics and animations makes the lectures very easy to understand and digest. After taking this course, you will loose your fear for data structures and algorithms.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to learn data structures and algorithms (introductory)
- Anyone appearing for interviews, can be used to understand from grounds up, or as a quick revision
I am a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, popularly known as IIT. I have worked as a Technical Architect in both product & services based software companies with about 14 years of programming experience (as of June, 2013). I have worked with languages like Perl/Java/Objective C/Scala and JavaScript. I have also used various frameworks/platforms like Spring, Play, Cocoa and Android. I have lead some enterprise application development. In my free time I like to create technical content, which is easy to follow and really helps people in the software industry, do their job better. People undergoing my trainings and videos always have delightful experience and most of them have told me that they wish things were taught in this way at school too. I hope that people taking my courses here benefit to perform their programming jobs better and also are able to get to better positions, with confidence, in case they are looking out. Most recently I have worked as VP Engineering in a Sequoia funded startup and now I am off to do my own startup.