IFS PACsecure Quality and Safety of Packaging Materials
What you'll learn
- Awareness about IFS PACsecure standard for quality and safety of packaging materials
- GFSI approved packaging materials standart
- Having quality awareness will be helpful to understand
- Sector experience help to understand more easily
IFS PAC secure 1.1 is a Standard for auditing food and non-food packaging material manufacturers and converters and only concerns packaging processing and / or converting companies.
This standard was published on 2012 by IFS Management GmbH together with The Packaging Association of Canada (currently Packaging Consortium) as packaging standard for primary and secondary packaging to the industry.
In IFS PACsecure version 1.1, all activities of the company are related to product scopes as follows: 1. Flexible packaging 2. Rigid plastic 3. Paper 4. Metal 5. Glass 6. Other natural materials means wood, clay, cork, jute, textiles, banana leaves, etc
This standard has been updated and published as version 2 by IFS on July 2021. For updating training please send us your requests.
The aims of IFS PACsecure are:
to provide food safety for packaging
to establish a common Standard with a uniform evaluation system
to work with accredited certification bodies and qualified IFS approved auditors
to ensure comparability and transparency throughout the entire supply chain
to reduce costs and time for both manufacturers and retailers.
Compliance with GFSI requirements
The risk based approach of IFS certification offers flexibility regarding the implementation of the requirements. IFS certification is non-prescriptive and offers a number of key benefits to companies striving for excellence in quality, safety and customer satisfaction, and seeking a competitive advantage in their market place.
Production department benefits
Improved understanding between management and staff relating to good practices, standards and procedures
Monitoring of compliance with regulations
More effective use of resources
Decreased need for customer audits
Independent third party audits
Higher flexibility through individual implementation due to a risk based approach
Requirements of the standard will explained in summary, please read the latest version of the standard for preparing audit and certification process.
Who this course is for:
- Quality manager of packaging manufacturers
- Owner of packaging companies
- Converters on packaging sector
- Who willings to get training for IFS PACsecure packaging standard
- Who willings to get training for GFSI standard scheme about food packaging
I am working in order to ensure that food production is carried out and sold in the healthiest conditions by knowing the effect in the world.
Gıda üretiminin tüm dünyada en sağlıklı koşullarda, etkisi bilinerek yapılması ve satılması için emek veriyorum.
Fatma İnceoğlu graduated from METU Food Engineering in 1997, conducted audits in more than 200 companies, gave training more than 2000 people on-site.
She has experience in production, quality, foreign trade, marketing and factory feasibility in the food sector.
Since 2009, it has been serving the Food, Packaging, Cosmetics and Certification sector through its own FDE R&D Food Engineering Service company.
She sometimes carried out short and sometimes very long term projects as a Consultant for Food, Cosmetics and Packaging Companies. She worked as a Lead Auditor in ISO 9001 Quality, GMP Cosmetics-medicine-food-packaging, HACCP, BRC, IFS, FSSC ISO 22716 standards on behalf of International Certification Firms.
You can access the articles published as latest E-book on the company's website.16 Udemy courses have been published since 2016. It continues to provide live and onsite trainings and international audits.
Since 2019, Risk Analysis, Audit and Corrective Action Applications have been published in Google, Apple stores and website. Applications prepared by considering companies of all sizes are actively used in the field based on the common requirements of the standards. It is also possible to purchase corporate applications that can be used on the web.
Our FDERD principles are to provide Useful, Honest, Accessible, Effective, Support.
Fatma İnceoğlu 1997 ODTÜ Gıda Mühendisliği mezunu olup, yaklaşık 200'den fazla Firmada tetkik yapmış, 200'den fazla Firmada yerinde, 2000'den fazla kişiye eğitim vermiştir.
Gıda sektöründe üretim, kalite, dış ticaret, pazarlama ve Fabrika fizibiliteleri konusunda deneyimleri bulunmaktadır.
2009 yılından beridir kendi kurduğu FDE R&D Gıda Mühendisliği Servisi şirketi üzerinden Gıda, Ambalaj, Kozmetik ve Belgelendirme sektörüne hizmet vermektedir.
Gıda, Kimya, Kozmetik ve Ambalaj Firmasında Danışman olarak zaman zaman kısa, zaman zaman çok uzun vadeli projeler yürütmüştür. Uluslararası Belgelendirme Firmaları adına ISO 9001 Kalite, GMP Kozmetik- ilaç- gıda- ambalaj, HACCP, BRC, IFS, FSSC ISO 22716 standartlarında Baş denetçi olarak görev almıştır.
Son olarak E-book olarak da yayınlanan yazılarına firmanın web sitesi üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
16 Adet Udemy kursu 2016'dan beridir bazıları Türkçe, bazıları İngilizce yayınlanmaktadır. Canlı ve saha eğitimleri vermeye devam etmektedir.
2019 yılından beridir Risk Analizi, Tetkik ve Düzeltici Faaliyet Uygulamaları Google, Apple ve web sitesinde yayındadır. Her ölçekte firmalar düşünülerek hazırlanmış uygulamalar standartların ortak gereklilikleri baz alınarak sahada aktif kullanılmaktadır.
FDERD ilkelerimiz Faydalı, Dürüst, Erişilebilir, Etkin, Destek sağlamaktır.