I AM Source Code For Spiritual Awakening & Empowered Living
What you'll learn
- Experience more peace, happiness, success and have new meditation tools
- They will have a sacred code to experience connection to Divine and align with peace
- This code will help unlock their innate spiritual nature
- They will be given sacred knowledge and tools that work
- They will be happier
- Be open and willing to grow spiritually and live in higher consciousness and manifest results!
I AM Source Code™ For Spiritual Awakening and Empowered Living
Manifesting Your Deepest Desires
In this Spiritual Mastery Class, you will be introduced to the teachings, practices, meditations and affirmations to massively RAMPPPP UP your spiritually empowered life!
Early one morning in bed, right before waking up fully, I kept hearing the words, ‘Source Code.’ “It is the code that will take you home. It is the code that will awaken you. It is the code to unlock the secrets to the manifestations that you know are possible. It is the code to unlock all that you know in your heart is possible.” This course will take you deeper into “I Am,” and you will connect to This Self through direct meditation, and learn to use the power of the creative word of “I Am” to create in your life more consciously. You will learn how to apply the Source Code. When you complete the course, you will have real tools, meditation practices and methods to awaken and empower your life.
You will learn:
What is Spiritual Awakening and why it’s necessary for the empowered life.
Discover why spiritual awakening is necessary in order to experience happiness, peace and true freedom from mental and human suffering. Access your Source Code to revvv it up!
Your Sacred Source Code is Revealed: In this lesson you will begin to see how the I AM Source Code can quicken your awakening and begin to give you back your divine authority for creation. You will be given the first I Am Source Code Meditation.
A Map of Consciousness – See how your Source Code can elevate your consciousness and happiness.
Get Your Lifeline Home- Learn a specific method to align with your I Am Self so that you can stop looking outside yourself for your all of your needs. When you make this connection primary and allow It to be the first step of choice you will see how the Presence will transform your life.
Apply the Sacred Source Code:
· Unhook from unhealthy relationships and hook up to real love.
· Let go of codependency to and for others, and return to healthy, strong sense of self.
· Begin the process of letting go of money worries by returning all the responsibility you have unconsciously given to others to provide for your support and resources to your Source. Tap into your Real Source through your code and begin to manifest more support, resources and supply.
· Learn and practice three powerful I AM Source Code meditations
· Using Your Source Code More Skillfully to Create an Empowered Life
· Manifesting Through Your Source Code
And so much more!
Who this course is for:
- Someone interested in spirituality and manifesting from the Higher Self
Dr. Janette Freeman has been teaching meditation and spiritual growth for nearly 20 years and has a Doctorate in Consciousness Studies. As an author, speaker, teacher, ordained minister and coach, she assists the person in moving through previous subconscious blocks in order to live more from their Higher Self and experience greater health, success, happiness and inner peace. She has also been a student of the I AM teachings for over 35 years and is the creator of the “Soul Soup” Podcast.
Her vision and mission are simply to manifest more ‘Heaven on Earth,’ through a shift in consciousness individually and globally.