Hypnosis Module 1 - Introduction to Hypnosis CERTIFIED
What you'll learn
- A introduction to: How to pre-hypnotize people in the talk before the trance
- A introduction to: How to use non-verbal hypnosis
- A introduction to: wich therapy techniques mostly works
- How to bring your client deeper with Instant Hypnosis
- Nothing special
A Beginners Introduction Guide To Hypnotherapy - lern how:
you pre-hypnotize your clients/patients already in the pre-talk, pacing and leading, some powerful questions you can ask and "strange things" you can do and think to bring your client in a trance.
learn how to detect signs of trance already in the pre-talk
How the client sits down already gives you an idea of what the trance will be like
Understand what a Induction can be, and see different inductions (even non-verbal - bring the client into a trance without a word!) and learn how to give suggestions in a direct, indirect or gentle-directive way.
Understand what a convincer is, and why you need it to convince the client he i s in a trance.
See some fast inductions and learn, how they works.
you will have a overview about a session works, and have some ideas at the end of the course, what you have to learn more to help all possible clients.
This course should just give you a overview but even some insights in the art of Hypnosis.
you will learn in the next modules even more intensely and focused
hypnosis non-verbal
almost hypnosis
therapy methods like the February Man, the Miracle Question, the Yager code and much more
Hypnosis for quit smoking, grief, lose weight, heal depression and more.
You get a extra Certification of the Hypnosis Institute Mariani Berlin, Germany
Who this course is for:
- psychologist, hypnotist, students, coaches
Mein Name ist Jafeth Mariani und ich heiße dich herzlich willkommen.
Ich komme aus Italien, lebe schon seit über 24 Jahren in Deutschland. Habe 2 Scheidungen hinter mir, und sonst einiges in meinem Leben erlebt. Schlimme Momente, aber auch inspirierende Menschen und Wendungen die mir gezeigt haben, der Mensch hat unheimlich viele unentdeckte Ressourcen.
Seit einigen Jahren unterstütze ich Menschen dabei, die Ursache ihrer Probleme zu beseitigen, unter anderem von Alkohol, Rauchen und sonstigen Süchten unabhängig zu werden. Ich habe als Coach angefangen, heute arbeite ich als Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie in eigener Praxis (Berlin und Braunschweig).
Spezialisiert habe ich mich auf Hypnose-Therapie, biete aber auch andere Leistungen in meiner Praxis an.
Mi chiamo Jafeth Mariani
Vengo da Monza (Milano) e vivo in Germania da oltre 24 anni. Ho 2 divorzi alle spalle e ho vissuto molte cose nella mia vita. Momenti brutti, ma anche persone ispiratrici e colpi di scena che mi hanno mostrato che le persone hanno un numero incredibile di risorse da scoprire.
Da diversi anni aiuto le persone ad eliminare la causa dei loro problemi, compreso l'indipendenza da alcol, fumo e altre dipendenze. Ho iniziato come coach, oggi lavoro come Heilpraktiker per psicoterapia nei miei due studi (Berlino e Braunschweig).
Mi sono specializzato in terapia ipnotica, ma offro anche altri servizi nel mio studio.