How to Write a Romantic Comedy
What you'll learn
- # Why Romantic Comedy has never been more popular in movies, streaming, TV series and fiction.
- # The difference between romantic comedy and romantic drama.
- # How you can avoid clichés using the power of transformational character arcs.
- # What is a character arc and why it is the secret to creating compelling romances.
- # in-depth story structure craft using the 8 key story beats of every romantic comedy.
- # Examples from commercially successful romantic comedies.
- # Detailed story structure breakdowns for two movies: Notting Hill and Failure to Launch
- # How to Develop your Romantic Comedy around a Theme or Dramatic Question.
- Pen and paper and word processing software.
- A love of the romance genre.
When a reader picks up a romance book or goes to the cinema to see a romantic comedy they expect to be entertained.
But more than that. They want to step into the shoes of these characters and be swept away on their journey as they fall in love.
Romance and romantic comedy has always been a literature of hope. Hope that there is someone out there who will see through your surface and come to love the real person you are inside.
That is the unique escapist power of the romance genre and it has never been more popular.
In this course I will share with you the story craft techniques that I use is my own award-winning romance fiction that you can apply to any romance writing project, including short stories, novellas, novels and screenplay
Who this course is for:
- Authors who want to write a romance novel.
- Commercial Genre Screenwriters.
- Short story and novella writers.
- Writers interested in learning more about commercial story structure
- Writers who need help planning and revising their romance novel
NINA HARRINGTON is an award-winning romance and 6x International bestselling non-fiction author, speaker, presenter, and blogger.
Over 1.7 million copies of Nina's books have been sold in 28 countries and translated into 23 languages.
Nina trained as an industrial scientist and was a professional university lecturer and technical writer for several years before forging a new career as a full-time author.
Nina loves to share what she has learned in publishing, story craft, and life as an author-entrepreneur so that every author can make informed choices and decisions about the best publishing model for their book.
You can find out more about Nina at her website.
Enjoy your course!