How To Start A Business With No Money
- Be more friendly with social media
- No camera shy
We are told that the biggest hurdle in starting any business is money, which in my experience is not true, I found that the biggest challenge is unlearning what we know, and believing in something which no one else believes in. Believing in one own self, being able to KNOW that no matter what happens, you will not give up, as Master Shifu from Kungfu Panda says, A true Master never gives up.
We bring fear, which means we evoke false emotions and we start to assume before taking any step.
If you are an entrepreneur, you are an artist who is Inspired to see his idea coming to life. You are an inventor. As one of the greatest inventors of all times, Edison said, Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perception. So buckle up as the road ahead is full of fun, however it is a long journey. :)
I would request you to follow the steps which I have described in this course with closed eyes and believe me, you will have your business & You will be successful.
I believe that you will succeed by 80% by following these steps. This course of mine is the asset of experiences I gained in my life of an entrepreneur since the age of 8. If you found this course useful, do forward it to someone else who is struggling with taking actions.
Please let me know if you liked what you have read, and what you liked more, and how it helped you, as your story is what will give life to my soul, and will push me to do even more in future :)
Who this course is for:
- Students, under-graduate with an aim to start their own business
I started my journey as an entrepreneur by selling software for commode 64 games when I was 13 years old. Later on I ended up creating over 150 projects in companies around the world that I started in United States, Singapore, Estonia, and Pakistan
in 2010 I retired from my work and made a mission to end world poverty, starting from my home country Pakistan, and on this path, I ended up learning, learning, and re-learning what I knew, and started using my Technological knowledge, Experiences, and processes to reduce world poverty.
Poverty to me is a mindset and it goes away only when we change our mindset, and for this we have to un-learn and re-learn what we know. Being on Udmey serves that purpose of sharing what I know, and allowing YOU to learn what I learned, along with asking questions that you have in you’d mind so I can re-think more and learn and teach what I do not know yet towards this goal.
Most of my courses here are free, though we never really give value to FREE like air, sun and water, but I still choose to keep them free, till one day I change my mind :)
You can google me me to learn more about me if you like, and I hope you will enjoy learning with me here :)
Do not forget to leave a feedback so I can improve my work and my self.