
How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

A first-timer's guide to hiring a VA. Free up your time, save your sanity, and focus on what's most important.
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Rating: 4.4 out of 5 (610 ratings)
22,174 students
31min of on-demand video
English [Auto]

Confidently hire your first virtual assistant


  • There are no specific hardware, software, or educational requirements, though a basic understanding of Excel will be helpful. When you move forward with the hiring process, a Skype account will come in handy for interviewing your prospective virtual assistants.


This course will guide you through the process of hiring your first virtual assistant, starting with how to determine what tasks you can outsource, where to post your job, how to narrow down the applicants, and ultimately making the hiring decision.

Why Hire a Virtual Assistant?

In short, to save yourself time, money, and headache.

As a small business owner, your most precious resource is your time. After all, each minute you spend is a minute you'll never see again. A virtual assistant is an investment in reclaiming that time so you can spend your time more wisely.

You'll start by identifying your outsourcing opportunities, the tasks that someone else can and should be doing for you. After all, you need to be working ON your business, rather than IN it.

The Course Structure

The course is broken up into 8 video PowerPoint segments that follow a trusted process I have used to much success in my own business. You'll be able to get through the modules quite quickly, but there is some homework involved, including:

  • Tracking how you're currently spending your time
  • Finding which tasks you can get off your plate
  • Crafting and posting an attention-getting job description
  • Narrowing down your applicant pool
  • Testing and interviewing the most promising candidates

If you're finding yourself overwhelmed or burned out with your work, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It just takes a short investment in time to learn the basics of hiring a VA, and some additional time to train them on your process, but the long-term benefits are huge.

This course is more geared toward hiring a virtual team member for ongoing business support, rather than for a one-off project; though much of the content will be applicable to both scenarios.

The Deliverables:

By the end of the course you'll have the confidence and skills to go out into the wild and hire your first virtual assistant.

Prepare for a new era of business growth and productivity!

Who this course is for:

  • Solo entrepreneurs and small business owners


Entrepreneur, Author, Chief Side Hustler at SideHustleNation
Nick Loper
  • 4.4 Instructor Rating
  • 1,986 Reviews
  • 35,663 Students
  • 4 Courses

Nick is an author and online entrepreneur featured on The New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, and speaking at a TEDx event.

His latest role is as Chief Side Hustler at Side Hustle Nation, a growing community of aspiring and part-time entrepreneurs, where he also hosts the top-rated Side Hustle Show podcast.

He's the author of 4 books, including Work Smarter: 350+ Online Resources Today's Top Entrepreneurs Use To Increase Productivity and Achieve Their Goals, which became an Amazon bestseller in 2014.

On the virtual assistant front, Nick has been working with virtual staff since 2005. His free course on how to hire a virtual assistant shares his step-by-step process for sourcing high-quality, long-term hires. Nick also runs the web's leading virtual assistant company directory and review platform, Virtual Assistant Assistant, with more than 100 VA companies and 700 user reviews.

He's helped thousands of readers identify their outsourcing opportunities and take action.

In his own business, he's outsourced:

  • Web development
  • Graphic design
  • Content writing
  • Administrative support
  • Customer service
  • Online marketing
  • Database maintenance
  • Legal help
  • and more

But it's not all rainbows and puppy dogs. Nick's also been on the short end of $10,000+ worth of outsourcing mistakes, and wants to help you avoid the same fate.

After recruiting dozens of virtual team members for himself and for clients, he's learned what separates a strong candidate from a weak one.

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